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The Power of Developing Personal Style Amidst Never-ending Microtrends

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mizzou chapter.

Before you knew it, the Clean Girl Aesthetic had come and gone. By the time you were in line to buy your bright red lipstick, no one was doing Mob Wife anymore. I’m already outdated in the trend of calling out these microtrends!

With the rapid changing of what’s “in” and what’s “out,” how can you (or your bank account) expect to keep up? 

If you’re asking yourself this question, it may be time for you to develop your personal style.

What is Personal Style?

So what even is personal style? Personal style is the result of the intentional underlying elements of your wardrobe. Whether that be a love of pencil skirts or a collection of floral print, personal style is all about having continuity between outfits. 

Personal style is easiest to see in celebrities, who have their style carefully curated and have clothes picked out to best demonstrate that style. For example, Sabrina Carpenter is constantly the talk of the town whenever she debuts a new look. From her curtain bangs to her perfectly hemmed dresses, everything she wears is perfectly her.

But you don’t have to have a stylist cultivating your every accessory to maintain a personal style. Have you ever walked into a store, seen a shirt, and immediately thought of a friend you know would wear it? That’s because they have a personal style. And you can, too.

Why is Personal Style Important?

Now you know what personal style is, but why do you need it?


If you have a strong grasp on what silhouettes and colors look best on you, you can intentionally fill your closet with items that will bring you the most confidence throughout your day. Think about the extra pep in your step when your jeans fit just how you want them to, or the way you stand up extra straight when you wear your favorite shoes. Now imagine feeling that every day. The power of personal style is feeling your best, because you look your best.

Avoiding Microtrends

Microtrends run rampant throughout social media. The “trendy style” changes before the new wardrobe you order arrives. If you have a personal style, these microtrends are easier to avoid. You don’t need to refill your closet with “Mob Wife” fur coats if you know you feel your best in sundresses. 

This isn’t just good for your wallet — it’s good for the environment. With the quick-changing nature of these trends, they perpetuate the cycle of fast fashion. The cute knock-off that’s suddenly being sold mere hours after a celebrity is first seen shopping in it isn’t going to be the most sustainably made. And the second they’re not trendy to wear anymore, the majority of them will end up tossed in landfills.

Section 3: How to find your Personal Style

Step 1: Go through your closet and Marie Kondo yourself

The first step to finding your personal style is to go through the clothes you already have. Try them on, mix and match, and have fun with it! See what pieces and combinations spark the most joy and make you feel your best. From this, you have your basis. And more than anything, you’ll see what you don’t like. While it can be difficult to know exactly why one dress makes you light up, it’s pretty obvious when another makes you feel like a potato sack, and usually it’s not hard to figure out what about it you would change.

Step 2: Identify what it is about certain clothing items that spark that joy

You now have a bunch of outfits that bring you joy, and a pile ready for the Goodwill, but you’re not done yet. What about these clothing items makes you happy? Is it the way it falls just to your knee? Maybe it’s the way the color makes your eyes pop. Regardless of what the feature is, take note of it, so you can continue to look for other clothing items that do the same thing.

Quick Caveat: You CAN Use Microtrends to Help Develop Your Style

I know, I know. I’ve been telling you how personal style is a solution to microtrends, but that doesn’t mean they have to exist in complete isolation from one another. One benefit of microtrends is that you’re constantly exposed to new styles that you might never consider otherwise. I’m not saying that you need to try out every new style that pops up on TikTok, but if you see something that resonates with you, give it some thought! Maybe you’ll discover the Space Cowgirl Grandpa Core within you.

Step 3: Play around until you feel confident in what you enjoy most

Now that you know what clothes you like and why you like them, you can start to experiment. Try out new combinations and styles that fit in with what you already enjoy. It may take you a while to become completely confident with every new clothing combination you put together. 


Remember: finding your personal style won’t happen overnight. It can take a while to figure out what fits you best, and even then, style can change. You can change. The important part is finding what makes you happy and confident. And after that, the rest should fall into place.

Madison Ade

Mizzou '27

Madison Ade is a sophomore majoring in Journalism, with minors in theater and mathematics. Her dream is to write about professional theater. Besides the magazine, Madison is a member of Alpha Psi Omega, as well as vice president of the Mizzou Debate and Forensics team. She spends most of her time reading or endlessly scrolling through pinterest, and most of her money on coffee and earrings.