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Your Survival Kit for Living Away from Home for the First Time

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brown chapter.

As orientation winds down and classes begin, freshmen start settling into new routines: living with roommates, eating in dining halls, and adjusting to college life. Whether you’ve been counting down to college or dreading move-in day, living away from home for the first time can be a huge challenge.

Here is your very own survival guide to help you adjust and make the transition smoother:

Stay Connected with Home
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when non-stop meeting people during the first few weeks at school, so keeping in touch with friends and family from home is a comforting break. I would recommend setting up regular calls or FaceTime sessions to stay grounded and connect with those who know you best!

It can be very easy to get caught up in both academics and social life, so it’s important to take a step back and process the emotions you’re feeling. Practicing gratuity by writing a few things you’re grateful for is also very helpful and healthy. You could also start a countdown to an event or visit you’re looking forward to!

Find Community in Familiarity
If you’re feeling homesick, I would recommend grabbing a meal or catching up regularly with other students from your hometown! It’s comforting to connect with people who understand where you’re coming from and are likely feeling the same way. Similarly, join cultural affinity student organizations and attend their events!

Establish Healthy Habits
Taking care of yourself physically and mentally is extremely important when transitioning to living in a new environment – prioritize sleep, nutrition, and exercise. A great way to bond with new friends is by grabbing meals together or going to the gym. 

Be Kind to Yourself
Adjusting to college is a big shift, and it’s normal for things to feel tough at times. Everyone’s journey is unique, so don’t compare yourself to others! Be kind to yourself as you navigate this new chapter, and remember to take things one step at a time.

Blossom is a junior at Brown University from Hong Kong studying Behavioral Decision Sciences. Beyond Her Campus, she is a part of Kappa Delta Sorority and Hong Kong Students Association. She enjoys going to coffee shops, traveling to new countries, going on walks, and hanging out with friends and her dog.