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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

I enjoy watching movies. However, I would not consider myself a person with a strong knowledge of cinema or anything like that. Still, I am for the most part open to watching different genres, generations, and cultures of film. This year I started keeping track of how I feel about movies I watch throughout the year in various digital forms. I am going to explain how I keep track of movies I watch during the year as a movie lover!


I started using the Letterboxd diary feature in 2023 and I just log films on the day I watched them and specify if it’s a re-watch or first time-watch. I like it because, similar to Spotify Wrapped, you get a Letterboxd Wrapped that breaks down how many movies you watched during the year, who was the director that appeared most in the films you watched that year, who was the actor that appeared most in the films you watched that year, and more. It is fun and I like to look back on it. If you want something like Goodreads for Movies, I recommend Letterboxd.


I got an idea from a TikTok I saw in 2023 about a girl who made a Pinterest board of scenes/movie stills from every new film she watched that year as a visual way to see what you watched throughout the year. This is perfect for Pinterest girlies who like to watch movies. I like to title my board “Movies I Watched In 20XX.” Personally, I also include stills from movies I rewatch as well because I rewatch movies a lot more than I watch new ones (which I am trying to do less of haha). The only issue with this is that sometimes for lesser-known or older movies, it can be harder to find different options to include or even any to fit your board’s desired aesthetic.


This year I did a running Google Docs table with four columns that include the Movie Cover, Date Watched, Star Rating (Out of 5), and then a column to rant about how I felt about the film/”review” it. I like to keep my thoughts and reviews personal as they are not genuine film critiques but more rants of how a movie made me feel, if I liked the acting, thoughts on a character, etc. I do not use tools like Letterboxd to leave reviews just because I do not critique film in a way that’s helpful to movie watchers in determining if a film is good it’s just kind of all over the place. I have also seen people do physical movie journals which is super cool. I want to transition into doing journaling pages for my movie-watching in 2025!

Whether you choose to do all of these or just one of these, I think these are fun options for documenting and looking back on movies you have seen throughout the year.

Movie Cover & Title Date Watched Personal Rating Thoughts
Insert Movie Cover Here Insert Date Here ★★★★★ Insert Opinions Here
Example of How I Set Up My Digital Diary

Check out my next article, Free Movie Streaming Platforms! You do not have to pay for countless subscriptions to enjoy a wide selection of movies!

Kaitlyn has been a member of the Her Campus TAMU chapter since Fall 2023. Every semester, she looks forward to publishing articles, expressing herself, and working with the PR committee. As a member of the PR committee, she enjoys submitting t-shirt & merch designs, writing press releases, helping organize brand events, and distributing merchandise. Overall, she hopes that her time with Her Campus TAMU will continue to healthily challenge her as a writer and help her grow professionally. She is a proud First-Generation college student and currently a Senior Public Health Major and English Minor. Her major and minor coursework have provided her with various forms of writing experience from poetry to policy briefs. Outside of Her Campus, she works part-time and is a Hullabaloo U peer mentor. Kaitlyn’s hobbies, in addition to writing, are listening to music, collecting CDs, watching movies and shows, reading, journaling, and arts & crafts. She is an introvert and life-long learner who values organization, diligence, optimism, kindness, and thoughtfulness. Some things that make her happy, in addition to her hobbies, include plumeria flowers, delicious food, quality time with friends and family, quiet time to herself, acts of kindness, and long walks.