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Why Investing in a Fitness Studio Was My Best College Decision

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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

I was a junior in high school when I began practicing yoga. I loved it for its health benefits to my mind and body and for being a low-impact exercise. In my senior year, I got a membership to a hot yoga studio in my town and went as much as possible. I spent many hot summer nights and cold winter days falling in love with the studio. I felt the best I had ever had, and then I stopped.

I was in college, too busy with my social life and assignments to worry about my own well-being. I took breaks from the gym for weeks before forcing myself onto the stair-master for 30 minutes on a random Wednesday night. I hated it. Everything hurt, my mind was scattered and I had no real motivation to go back.

A few months into my freshman year, I began free yoga classes at the recreation center. These classes were a lot better than my self-torture on the stair-master, but the cold rooms were too big for the six people who took them, and the fluorescent lighting was not very flattering. I spent the majority of the school year in and out of exercise phases. I started running for a bit and actually really enjoyed it until I got sick and never continued (which I still have regrets about.)

In the last two weeks of school, I saw a two-week membership pass to a studio downtown called Local B, a barre and yoga studio. Feeling frustrated with my lack of consistency, I signed up and took a chance on a fresh start to reconnect with the exercise I truly enjoyed.

When I walked into the studio, I immediately knew this would be worth the money. Local B was warm and welcoming, with charming decor, soft lighting and many friendly faces from around campus. The mats were laid out for us by the instructor, who was very kind, and the equipment was neat and accessible. The class was challenging, but I craved the ability to move in unison with others again.

I have been a member of Local B ever since. They are located conveniently downtown and provide reasonable pricing for students. Although the membership comes with a price, it is one I am willing to pay. I discovered the importance of investing in my health, even financially, for the sake of my wellbeing. I was also reminded of why I fell in love with yoga in the first place—the sense of community, the relaxation and the cute workout sets didn’t hurt. I highly suggest trying out a local studio; it may just be the fresh start you need.

Olivia Gauthier is a Campus Correspondent for the Her Campus Chapter at the University of New Hampshire. She is a second-year Information Systems and Business Analytics major.