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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

It happened during my senior year of high school. I bought a journal to document my last year of high school, and little did I know it would be the start of one of my favorite hobbies. That journal is now finished and full of many special moments, fun memories, and some junk!  

I am now a sophomore in college, and I still keep a journal to document my moments during the day. I, as do other people, call these notebooks “junk journals.”

What really is a junk journal? Well, to put it simply, it is a notebook full of anything. Whether it be photos with your friends, stickers you collect, positive messages, drawings, or even a candy wrapper taped onto a page, it can be a fun hobby.

There are so many reasons to love junk journaling, and here are only a few.

1. Creativity

As I mentioned before, you can make each page anything you want it to be. I love to include sticky notes I may write during the day. Sometimes, I don’t have anything physical to add to my day, so I draw and write. I press flowers in the spring, and in the fall, I press leaves. I include receipts to remind me of the Chipotle I had last week or the sweater I bought at Target yesterday. You can get as crazy as you want or keep it as simple as you’d like. There are no rules.

2. Organization

If you want to stay on top of things, from a workout schedule to the semester’s assignments, the journal can help! Writing out assignments with due dates on a page or two can be incredibly helpful and satisfying once you mark it done. For myself, I dedicate a page to each month of the year, complete it with a calendar, and use that as a planner of sorts. I also design a class outline with fun markers!  

3. Reflection 

The best thing about junk journaling is having the ability to go back and look at all the moments you have captured on each page. Going back and seeing photos, drawings, or again even a wrapper, can remind you of the great things you have in your life. Every evening, I write one highlight of my day, and by the end of the year, I have 365 things that make each day great!  

I hope these points make you consider starting your junk journal and allow yourself to creatively reflect on progress throughout the day. I know as a college student, life can be incredibly overwhelming, but having something flexible and relaxing at the end of the day makes it all worthwhile.  

Sophia Ryan is the secretary and a writer for Susquehanna University's Her Campus chapter. She is pursuing a B.A. in psychology with a minor in women and gender studies. Other than Her Campus, Sophia is a member of SU's PS I Love You Chapter and a member of SU's Slam Poetry Club. In her free time, you can find Sophia writing fiction and poetry, listening to her favorite artists, thrifting for the best clothing pieces, and catching up on the latest cultural phenomenons.