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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

As I started to think about what I wanted to write as my first article of a new school year I could help but reflect on where I was a year ago as a freshman in college and now the person I am today. One year ago I came to the University of Tampa not knowing a single person, not involved in anything yet, and very scared. Although my first year of college was full of ups and downs I couldn’t be more grateful for my experiences and how it has shaped me into the person I am today. So with that, I will be sharing some major points in my freshman year of college and how they have greatly impacted me for the better. 

Firstly I was trying out and making my school’s dance team. As I have been involved in dance my entire life I knew this would be something I wanted to continue in my college years. Little did I know this would have been the biggest blessing in disguise. Not only was I ecstatic to make the team but it has given me my bestest friends in the world. Along with being able to continue my love for dance, I was given a never-ending support group and family from the minute I joined the team. When I was trying out I wasn’t even sure if I was going to make the team and was so scared during auditions. So with this, I would say to my freshman self, don’t be afraid to try new things or put yourself in difficult situations because the result could be so rewarding and worth it in the end.

Although this next lesson to myself was a bit messy it was all in all a gift in disguise. I came into college dating a boy while we were doing long distance. Although most of the time people say it’s a waste of time and never ends up working out, we are willing to give it a try. But as many were right, it did not work out. At the time I was heartbroken and had my emotions played with but a year later I can proudly say to myself it may have been the best thing to ever happen to me. It broke me out of my shell, allowed me to meet so many new people, have so many fun experiences, and make so many friends. I wouldn’t be the person I am now or have had the experiences I did my freshman year of college if I didn’t allow myself to become my adventurous self and be happy to go and try new things. 

Lastly, one of my favorite things I did my freshman year of college was join a sorority. I am a part of the Delta Gamma Epsilon Theta Chapter here at UT and it has been nothing but an amazing experience for me. I joined in the spring semester as I wanted to get adjusted to college life first and not be taking too much on and I’m so happy I did. There was a smaller number of people going through spring recruitment and me and my member class became so close because of that. Being in DG gave me the opportunity for so many experiences and involvement to take on while also gaining 165 of my new best friends. Now in my second semester of being in a sorority and my sophomore year of college I can say how confident and sure of myself I have nothing but the best supporting me in anything I do.

Madison Scerbo is a current sophomore and holds the position of Social Media and Marketing Director of University of Tampa, Her Campus Chapter. She enjoys writing about lifestyle tips, the latest trends, fashion, and personal experiences. Apart from Her Campus Madison is majoring in Business Marketing and has a Minor in Film and Media Arts. She loves being involved with communities on campus and is also on the Tampa Dance Team- The Spartan Scarlets as well as in the sorority Delta Gamma, Epsilon Theta Chapter. Having taken creative writing and cinematography classes she has always had a passion for the arts. Madison has been involved in dance for over ten years and is a sales associate at The Olive Oil Pantry in her hometown allowing her to learn about healthy eating and fitness lifestyles. In her free time, Madison loves to hang out with friends, go on walks, try new foods, and go to the beach! You can often find her out and about or cozied up watching her favorite movie.