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A Love Letter to my Roommates’ Closets

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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

One of the best parts about being friends with women is swapping clothes with them. With that comes the delight in having something “new” to wear, even though it is likely not brand new and they’ve had it since sophomore year. Now, I don’t know if I were to say the same thing when it comes to letting my little sister borrow my clothes. I do think a line has to be drawn. Borrowing clothes from your college friends is different. Sorry, Chloe. 

I am slowly beginning my new adventure of student teaching, which is a large time commitment. The past couple of weeks I have been building up my own lessons almost from scratch, learning names, and handing out Hershey Kisses to those who get my prize questions right. I would be lying if I said this new normal has not been draining. With that said, part of my self-care involves my friends. With that, I need self-care more than ever.

I am not codependent on my roommates when it comes to my happiness, but I find my roommates to be comforting when academics is a current (and prominent) stressor. Spending time with my roommates on our weekends at school is a glimpse of my self-care. Moments with them is when I get to ditch the temporary, but stressful, routine of my internship.

Before weekend nights out, we discuss what everyone plans on wearing. Sometimes there’s a common theme where most people are wearing a certain article of clothing or a certain color. Chances are at least one of us doesn’t have something to match the general “vibe,” so we swap clothes so everyone can feel good about what they’re wearing.

It also feels good to feel like you’re wearing a “new” outfit. Thanks to my girls, most weekends I (and everyone else) have an outfit that feels new to them because they got to borrow one of our Garage black corset tops from sophomore year. 

Castle girls, this is my love letter to your closets. I don’t know what I would do without your clothes that I get to select from when my closet is leaving me uninspired. I also don’t know what I would do without you. 

I promise I’m not only friends with you for your clothes.

Cassy is a new Her Campus SBU chapter member who writes about her physical and emotional journeys, topics she adores, but also any topic that comes to mind that week. At St. Bonaventure, Cassy is Vice President of the SBU College Democrats chapter, a Student Ambassador for admissions, and a member of SBU's EMPOWER club on campus. Cassy is a senior whose double-major is Adolescence Education with Disabilities and History, and she could not say enough praise about her "Ad-Ed" cohort who have become her rock at school. This semester she will be student teaching at two local schools at the middle and high school level. When Cassy is not at St. Bonaventure, she resides in the Finger Lakes area and enjoys substitute teaching where she gets to work with her former school teachers and build relationships with students. She loves attending country concerts during the summer at her favorite concert venue on Canandaigua Lake, CMAC. In her free time, Cassy enjoys perfecting her Spotify profile, reading on her Kindle, working out, and sitting on the porch– coffee in hand– with her roommates. Recently, her most frequented albums are Noah Kahan's "Stick Season" and Zach Bryan's "The Great American Bar Scene." In terms of books, Emily Henry remains a staple author in her reading life and "Funny Story" was her favorite read this past summer.