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More Than Just a Sport

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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

I can say with so much confidence that everyday being a student athlete on this campus has made me a better person. It has allowed me to challenge myself physically, but also personally. Being a student athlete demands excellence, dedication, discipline, resilience, and strength; all of which can be exhausting. It requires you to give your all and that isn’t always easy… but it is always fulfilling. I don’t think there are words to fully describe the feeling that comes with achieving what you worked for in sport; you feel so strong, and so whole. My sport has brought me to my knees but has also brought me up higher than I have ever been.

Through all of these ups and downs, I think the most beautiful part of sport is how it bonds you with the people around you. The people who are just as passionate and sacrificing just as much. It is a mutual respect and love that I have never experienced outside of a sporting setting. My sport has allowed me to meet some of the best people in my life and I feel so grateful for that. You are bringing together people who share a lot of the same values and the goals from a sporting perspective, but with their own stories, approaches, and motivations, which I think is what connects us.

I talked to a few of my teammates to see how they felt sport had impacted them as people, and here’s what they had to say…

“Being a student athlete has allowed me to discover the person that I am today because of an amazing support system of from my teammates and coaches. It has also taught me how to respond to difficult situations and the definition of responsibility and accountability.” – Sophia Wong ’25

“Being a student athlete transformed my life by instilling discipline, resilience, and time management skills, which have not only enhanced my academic performance but also fostered a strong sense of teamwork and perseverance in all aspects of my life!” – Grace Motisi ’26

“The swim team means a lot to me because it provides a safe and supportive environment to be able to continue the sport I love. Having teammates brings the best performance out of me and others; competing with people every day quickly creates a sort of family that is hard to replicate.” – Ryan Fogel ’27

“Being a college athlete has allowed me to not only develop and grow my love for my sport, but it has taught me valuable lessons in self-confidence and teamwork. I also love my teammates they rock.” – Madison Capria ’25

“Being a student-athlete helped me find a home away from home” – Ava Young ’27

‘I initially didn’t like the team. I thought I saw a hierarchy and a culture I didn’t like or see myself in. But overtime, I realized that everyone on the team was different and almost “messed up”. I was able to show up as myself at practice, knowing there would be people in similar situations as me. The team is a place where I can have a laugh and a place where I can be myself. Our teammates spend so much of their time being good students and being professional, putting on the guise that we all feel we have to in order to be a good student. The team is a place where we help each other bring out our “real” selves because we spend so much time together.” – Kenneth Ryu ’25

To anyone who is considering pursuing college level athletics, please do it. Yes, the hours are long, yes, it is hard, yes, there are so many reasons to shy away from it; but despite all of that, it is worth it. It is so easy to get caught up in the negative but once I took a step back and reflected, I was overwhelmed with gratitude for all that I have experienced. It is one of the most rewarding and amazing experiences you can have, and if you don’t believe me… read over my teammate’s words one more time.

Taylor White

Bentley '26

Hi everyone, my name's Taylor and I'm a sophomore at Bentley University majoring in Finance and an interest in minoring in Sustainability! I am originally from Canada but grew up on a tiny island called Bermuda which I now call home. I love swimming, the environment, my family and anything to do with music!