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Medicine cabinet packed full of skincare products
Medicine cabinet packed full of skincare products
Megan Charles / Her Campus Media
Wellness > Health

Eliminating Breakouts Doesn’t Have to Break the Bank

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mizzou chapter.

Your guide to affordable products for acne-prone skin.

When my skin was at its worst, I would scroll for hours and hours on social media under the hashtag #AcnePositivity. I wouldn’t leave my dorm without layers of foundation and concealer. I would skip evenings out, worried about the way I looked constantly, and didn’t understand why my skin couldn’t just be normal and I kept breaking out. 

Acne has always been a struggle for me, and it will always be. It’s not something that can be “cured.” I have tried every product, medicine, and topical cream under the sun. Throughout this journey, there have been long stretches when my skin was clear and seemingly longer periods when it wasn’t. It’s a mental battle as much as a physical one. 

People don’t talk about the toll of acne on self-confidence. It felt impossible to follow the “clean-girl makeup” trend when my skin was fighting back against me. My old skincare routine only seemed to irritate it more. I couldn’t win.

So, I switched it up completely. New products, new medications, everything.
To preface this, I am not a licensed professional or skincare expert, but these products helped me feel more confident in my skin. For context, I have dry, sensitive, acne-prone skin. Even if someone has the same skin type, it’s important to note that everyone’s skin requires different products and has various issues. This is simply what worked for me.


I had seen this product for months before I caved and purchased it. Using it has helped balance the texture of my skin and deep clean my pores. I only use it twice a week after washing my face with a gentle cleanser, but it works wonders.

Rael Miracle Clear Barrier Cream

I swear by this stuff. It is the most soothing, moisturizing step in my skincare routine (although do not apply it to broken skin because it will burn–trust me). If I had to recommend one product 

to anyone, it would be Rael. Last year, every time I finished my skincare routine my skin would be red, raw, and agitated. This has eliminated that pain from my day-to-day life and I cannot suggest this product enough.

CeraVe Moisturizer and Face Wash

These are the only products I’ve used throughout all stages of my skin. The moisturizer is gentle and soothing, and the face wash is reliable, but you have to use it correctly (more on that later). I’ve had these products since middle school and I buy both in bulk from Sam’s Club once a year because they last forever. Plus, their ad campaign with Michael Cera is everything. 

Tretinoin (Differin)

I’m currently on Tretinoin, which was prescribed to me by my dermatologist. A good over-the-counter alternative is Differin. I’ve used Differin in the past, and while it isn’t as strong as Tretinoin, it won’t irritate your skin as much. For the two months after I started Tretinoin, I purged and my skin was so dry it peeled. However, I went in hot. Some people only use it every couple of days, but I use it every day. With Differin or Tretinoin, I highly recommend moisturizing before and after applying it. Let the moisturizer dry before you apply it. This will protect your skin as both are very drying products. 

My skin has never been more glowy than in the last couple of months. I don’t have glass-like skin yet, but that’s the end goal. I also like Tretinoin because you can stay on it indefinitely. I’ve loved some of the medicines I’ve been prescribed by my dermatologist, but they weren’t suitable for long-term use. I would end up right back where I started with skin that was broken out and painful. This medicine is perfect for me because I can stay on it AND my skin will thank me for it when I’m 45 without wrinkles.


I swam in high school, and this was the product everyone on the team had, not in a hyperbolic sense. I have a tube of Aquaphor on hand at all times. I put it under my eyes, on the corners of my nose, on my lips, and on any spot I want to heal quickly. I’m not a big fan of slugging because it makes my skin feel heavy. I prefer spot treatment with Aquaphor. This has helped me see the best results, and my breakouts have healed 10 times quicker. If you want something cheaper, Vaseline or generic petroleum jelly have the same results because they’re essentially the same thing. 

No exfoliating and no washcloths

I honestly think this is what changed my skin the most. I stopped using washcloths, stopped scrubbing my skin, and started washing my face with my hands in the shower. The water in Columbia is hard, and sink water (especially in the dorms) is not good for your skin. Additionally, not using a washcloth except to pat dry my skin has helped tremendously because I’m not continuously breaking the skin on my face or irritating it. This is the best thing I’ve done for my skin, and it took me till halfway through my freshman year to figure it out. 

None of these products alone will deeply change the way your skin looks, and progress is not overnight. I’ve been using all of these things for about four months and still get breakouts every couple of weeks, but not nearly as severe. I’m not an expert, but I’ve had acne for several years.. Regardless of what your skin looks like, don’t let it stop you from going outside, living your life, and feeling beautiful.

Amelia Burgess is a sophomore at the University of Missouri studying Strategic Communication Journalism and History. A couple of things she loves are Goodreads, Megan Moroney, and Right Answers Mostly. When she's not in Columbia she's at home in St. Louis with her dog Knox.