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My Favorite Iced Coffee Orders

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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

If you’re anything like me, you drink A LOT of iced coffee. Beyond just needing caffeine to get through homework and classes, I love the taste of coffee and all the ways you can customize it. I’ve collected 5 of my favorite go-to iced coffee orders to share and explain why I love them.

Iced caramel macchiato with coconut milk

My classic go-to order is an iced caramel macchiato with coconut milk. I just don’t think you can go wrong here. The coconut milk adds another layer of sweet and creamy to the already delicious caramel espresso blend.

I always make sure to stir this one, as I don’t love the taste of straight espresso.

Iced raspberry latte

While I was originally skeptical about how raspberry would taste with coffee, I am so glad I gave it a shot. Something about the sweet berry taste combines so well with the taste of coffee. A seemingly gross pair of flavors is actually incredibly delicious.

iced Pumpkin spice latte with oat milk

Okay, this one is obvious. Who doesn’t love a PSL? My only possibly interesting take with this is to add oat milk instead of whole milk. The oat-y flavor goes so well with the sweet pumpkin-y taste of the PSL and makes for an even better seasonal treat.

iced brown sugar shaken espresso

Another classic: a shaken espresso. Nothing tastes better on the way to a 9am class than a delicious, sugary, shaken espresso. I like to switch up the milk I use, but I haven’t settled on a favorite as of yet. I am confident that by the end of the semester I will have a conclusion.

iced sugar cookie latte with oat milk

I know it’s still fall, but I can’t help but mention seasonal Winter drinks when talking about my coffee orders. Especially when it comes to a sugar cookie latte. While it’s definitely on the sweeter side, there is nothing I love more around the holidays. A good sugar cookie latte (with oat milk, of course) reminds me of home, winter break, and reading by my parent’s fireplace. What more could you want out of an iced coffee?

While this list is brief, and definitely not all inclusive of my coffee orders, these are definitely some of my favorites.

Mallory Graybeal (she/her) is a writer for the Her Campus at the University of Kansas chapter. She loves to write book recommendations, album reviews, and anything about Taylor Swift. Mallory also helps to facilitate the Her Campus Book Club. Beyond Her Campus, Mallory is the Social Justice Chair for the University of Kansas’s Feminist Campus chapter. Mallory is also a member of the Marching Jayhawks, where she plays clarinet, and the secretary for Jayhawk Justice, a new criminal justice organization on campus. She is currently a sophomore at the University of Kansas majoring in Psychology on the pre-law track. She is interested in going into Clinical Psychology after she completes her undergraduate degree. In her free time, Mallory enjoys reading romance novels and watching Grey’s Anatomy. She loves to go home to visit her family’s dog, Bert, and to spoil him with dog treats she buys in Lawrence. She also has a love for thrift stores and can frequently be found at Arizona Trading Co. on Massachusetts Street. Mallory collects postcards and stickers, and her current favorite song is “So Long, London” by Taylor Swift.