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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTD chapter.

As the semester wraps up and students begin heading home, the fast-paced environment of school and work is winding down. Although this is a good thing, it’s often replaced with another substitute: boredom. When the days become too long, and you find yourself with nothing to do, here are some fun card games to try out! 

  1. Bluff: 

Starting with a classic, Bluff (also commonly known as BS) is an exciting game between three or more people. The cards are divided equally, and then the game of deception begins. Although rules vary depending on the region the game is played, the game’s basic premise stays the same. Players take turns placing up to four cards face down at a time, going in the classic order of Ace to King. If a player finds themselves without the next card, they follow the name of the game – they bluff. 

  1. Spoons: 

Spoons is a fast-paced game where players are each given four cards and have to try to get four of the same number or face. Whoever reaches four first is supposed to grab a spoon (or whatever other objects are being used; I often use pens), and others are supposed to immediately follow suit, even if they have not reached the four cards. Whichever person is left without a spoon is then eliminated. In the next round, a spoon is removed from the middle, and the game continues until someone wins the 1v1 match. 

  1. Solitaire 

Solitaire is the perfect game for when you want some alone time. In a one-person activity where cards are arranged in descending piles, the player’s main objective is to group all four card faces (Spade, heart, club, diamond) in order from Ace to King. Much like the name, it is a single-player game but it is still plenty of fun. 

  1. Mau 

Arguably the most chaotic card game to exist, Mau is a complex game that has evolved into so many versions that it is difficult to pinpoint the original. A simplified version of the game includes players being dealt seven cards and then matching the card in the middle with its color, number, or symbol. Whoever runs out of cards first has to say the word “Mau.” Here’s the catch – the winner of the first round can make one rule that they don’t have to communicate with the rest of the players. In the next round, the players have to figure out the rule as the game goes on; every time they fail to follow the rule (even if they don’t know it), they are subjected to a penalty, which is picking up an extra card.  As the rounds go on, the game becomes increasingly complicated. You can see how this game can get chaotic, so play at your own risk! 

  1. SlapJack 

A less chaotic game than Mau but still incredibly fun, SlapJack is a game that requires two or more people. There are variations of the rule but the most simple is in the name itself, hitting only the jack. The deck is dealt between the players who then take turns placing down the cards without looking at them. When a jack pops up (there are four in the deck), the players hit the deck, and whoever lands first gains the deck in the middle. The goal is to get the whole deck eventually. Arguably, playing with only slapping jacks can be boring so I recommend adding some extra rules! For example, hitting the deck when two of the same card come up (a double).  

Ultimately, how you play these games is entirely up to you. Mess around with the rules and increase the stakes as you see fit. If you find yourself bored and looking for something to do, grab a deck of cards and come back to this article! Whether you’re playing alone or with multiple people, you won’t find yourself bored! 

Hello! I'm a general ATEC major at UTD. I've always loved writing and previously took part in my schools' newspaper. Some of my interests include gaming, crocheting, and photography. I'm looking forward to writing for Her Campus this year :)