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Recreating Disney’s ‘Monstober’ in 2024

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Toronto MU chapter.

I can still picture the excitement of being in elementary school on Halloween. Everyone was always in fun costumes, and there was yummy candy, arts and crafts, and, of course, an exciting dance that was probably not as cool as I thought it was at the time.  

However, as enjoyable as those moments were, they weren’t what l looked forward to most every Halloween — and surprisingly, neither was the trick-or-treating that came hours later.

Disney’s “Monstober” (or “Hauntober Fest” as it was initially called) was my favourite part of Halloween each year. The moment I got home from school on Oct. 31st, I would immediately take the candy I got from my peers, run to my couch, and settle in to watch hours of Halloween-themed movies and episodes from my favourite shows.

Even as the sky got dark and the doorbell rang as eager trick-or-treaters waited on the doorstep, I continued to sit and watch Zack and Cody hunt down ghosts in the Tipton Hotel. 

Years later, as I reflect on this nostalgic feeling, I realize that although Monstober ended in 2016, it doesn’t mean I can’t relive it again. 

Every year, my friends and I talk about how much we miss those moments, but it never dawned on us how easy it would be to recreate them. Although streaming services like Disney+ have led to the downfall of cable TV and events like Monstober, they do allow us to access those old movies and shows whenever we like.

With that, I’ve compiled a list of the best — in my very experienced opinion — Disney channel Halloween movies and episodes so that you can relive Monstober in 2024! 

Oh, and I compiled the best snacks to pair with them, too.


I get a certain sentimental feeling when a film’s opening scene is a shot of leaves blowing through the air on a rural suburban street in a small town. To get this feeling and more, these are the perfect movies for your Halloween marathon. 

Halloweentown (1998)

Is it really Halloween if you’re not watching Halloweentown

Although I wasn’t 13 yet at the time, watching Marnie find out she comes from a line of witches on her birthday always made me hopeful for my future.

Even if that was — very obviously — not going to happen, I still enjoyed seeing the main character reconnect with her roots, fight evil alongside her brother and sister, and save the world every year. 

With a talking skeleton for a cab driver, a mysterious mayor, and a strong sibling bond, it’s the perfect cozy and silly family film for this Halloween. 

Hocus Pocus (1993)

On the topic of young kids saving the day from evil witches, you can’t have a true “Monstober” if you’re not watching Hocus Pocus

With a sequel that just came out in 2022, now’s the perfect time to rewatch Max, Dani, Allison, and a mysterious talking cat save the day after accidentally setting free the iconic Sanderson sisters. 

These three witches are some of the most perfect Kenny Ortega creations that need to be revisited every now and then. From their matching yet unique appearances and personalities to their silly sibling banter and tendency to mess up, there’s no way you won’t enjoy the film even now when you’re grown up. 

And, to make things better, this is the perfect costume for a trio, in case you’re looking for some inspiration this Halloween!

Twitches (2005)

What should be considered a Canadian favourite, Twitches was actually filmed in Toronto and is based on a popular book series that has to be part of your “Monstober” marathon!

Twitches is a heartwarming and exciting story of twins that find their way back to each other after being separated at birth as they attempt to save their kingdom from evil.

From sisterly bonds that produce magic, birthdays on Oct. 31st, references to Greek mythology, and costume parties, this film has everything to complete a Halloween marathon.

Not to mention the fact that Disney legends Tia and Tamera are the actresses behind the main characters, which is iconic in itself, am I right? 

Girl vs. Monster (2013)

Although it didn’t come out in the prime “Monstober” years of the 1990s or early 2000s, this film is still definitely considered a “Monstober” staple. 

From eccentric witches to the power of friendship, Girl Vs. Monster is exactly what you’d expect from a Disney Halloween film. A young girl finds out she comes from a long line of monster hunters and must save humanity from evil beings taking over — and it all takes place on Halloween Eve.

If this cheesy but entertaining plot isn’t enough to keep you hooked, the original songs and a pretty iconic concert fight scene — no spoilers! — should be enough reason to give it a shot. 


Although there are countless Halloween-themed episodes out there, these select few have a special, nostalgic place in my heart.

“The Ghost of Suite 613” and “Arwinstein” from The Suite Life of Zack and Cody 

Starting with The Suite Life of Zack and Cody, were you really a Disney kid if you didn’t cover your face with a pillow when the twins entered suite 613 and when Arwinstein turned out to be a real monster?

Although they’re not as scary now that we’re grown up, the story of suite 613, with an angry and vengeful bride who hates Italian food and Arwinstein, an evil robot made by the quirky and odd hotel janitor, still makes for some funny and entertaining watches.

“Ghost Bummers” and “The Whining” from Jessie 

Although this show came out in the latter half of Disney Channel’s peak, Jessie had some of the best Halloween episodes.

With lots of costume inspiration, making reference to and parodying other iconic Halloween films like Ghostbusters (1984) and The Shining (1980), and kids yet again tasked to save the day, I’d say these episodes celebrate Halloween to a T. 

“Saving Wiz-Tech (Part 1 and 2)” from Wizards of Waverly Place

As a two-part special, the “Saving Wiz-Tech” episodes are jam-packed with fun content. 

From spells that trap someone in jelly to the oh-so-spooky threat of colourful plastic balls, it’s hard to take the first episode seriously.

However, as “Saving Wiz-Tech Part 1” ends with a plot twist and you reach the “To Be Continued…,” you become hooked for the next episode. Part 2 definitely adds a little more to the traditional Halloween excitement.

“mutANT farm” from A.N.T Farm

Even if this episode isn’t spooky and mysterious, you can’t deny that it gave us the best Halloween song since “Monster Mash.”

As a Halloween-themed parody of the first-ever A.N.T Farm episode, the main characters in “MutANT Farm” appear as recognizable monsters like Frankenstein, Medusa, vampires, and zombies.

In trying to fit in with the older and human students, the MutA.N.T.’s attend a party where China Anne McClaine’s “Calling All the Monsters” plays for the first time.

Not only would this song go on to play every Halloween for years to come, but it’s also the most iconic part of “Monstober,” if I do say so myself.


And finally, no movie or television marathon is complete without snacks. This time around, the options have to be perfect! I’m talking about the these are gonna make my stomach ache later, kind of perfect.

Pillsbury’s Halloween Sugar Cookies

Is Monstober really Monstober if you don’t smell sugar cookies wafting over from the kitchen, waiting to see if your mom bought the pumpkins or the ghosts?

You’re lying if you say that these Pillsbury sugar cookies don’t make their way into your oven every year, even if you’re not recreating Monstober.

Whether it’s the taste of the slightly undercooked doughy center, the colourful pictures that somehow stain your hands, or just the nostalgic smell, these little cookies are the perfect treat for recreating childhood memories.

Gummy Hot Dogs and Hamburgers 

Although these candies were always a little difficult to convince your parents to buy unless you got them trick-or-treating, when you’re an adult, you can enjoy the gummy burgers and hot dogs whenever you like! 

Whether you eat them as a whole or take them apart piece by piece, nothing beats the nostalgic feeling of pretending you’re eating real food when it’s just pure, artificial flavour. 

Kool-Aid Jammers

And finally, the “Best Trick-or-Treating Find” award goes to… Kool-Aid Jammers. 

The feeling I got when I dumped my candy-filled pillowcase out on the floor just to find these drinks staring up at me is a good enough reason for them to accompany your Monstober marathon this year. 

From the variety of sugary flavours to the satisfying punch of the straw into the package, Kool-Aid Jammers are the perfect way to bring out your inner child.

Whether you’re more of a “one-and-done” kind of person or you can down four in a row, these drinks are perfect to sip — oh, who are we kidding, chug — during a movie marathon.

Although these are my favourite Halloween movies, episodes, and snacks, they’re merely suggestions! You can always change the order of things, add stuff, or replace some content depending on your preference.

As Halloween nears, I hope this list has helped someone solidify their plans. Whether you’re a nostalgic early 2000s baby like me, someone looking for an activity for their friends to do, or someone afraid of scary movies — also like me — almost everyone can find enjoyment in recreating “Monstober” this year.

So, happy watching, happy snacking, and even though it may be just a little too early, happy Halloween. 

Katarina Zeni

Toronto MU '25

Katarina Zeni is a third-year journalism student at Toronto Metropolitan University. Having grown up in a small town out of the city and since having moved into the GTA, she has come across many different and fascinating stories, and people, in her everyday life. With a background in the arts and a passion for writing, Katarina seeks to use her experiences to highlight all the important moments in the everyday. Whether it’s a script, a poem, a novel, or a news story, she believes there’s always something to be written. Off the record (and off the clock), Katarina can be found watching her favourite 90s romcoms, checking out a new film in the cinema, or cuddling up to her cat Iris with a good book in hand. Follow her journey on Instagram @zenikatarina!