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A Girl’s Guide to Solo Travel

Updated Published
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

Traveling alone can be overwhelming and intimidating at first. Someone with little to no experience traveling in general may find the process stressful. I have traveled to different countries throughout my life to visit family, so it’s safe to say I already have some experience. When I was eighteen years old, I began my journey as a solo traveler. I studied abroad in Spain for four months and traveled to other countries throughout this time as well.

During your first solo trip, you are bound to make many mistakes. I know I did!  Whether you are setting certain expectations or encountering challenges during your travels, it is always important to be as prepared as possible. For this reason, I will share some solo travel tips that I wish I knew before traveling alone.

Don’t over pack

Unfortunately, this was one of my biggest mistakes when solo traveling. I assumed I needed to bring the majority of my beloved clothes on my trip. In the process of boarding the plane, I had to pay extra for my large bag. I expected that I would use all of the clothes that I brought. I definitely did not take into account the amount of shopping I would do on my trip. Take it from me, it is always important to prepare for the unexpected. Traveling to a new place will tempt you to buy many souvenirs, clothes, and accessories that will take up all of the space you do not have. Although you shouldn’t under pack either, I would recommend packing what is truly needed instead of everything you love. I had to get rid of half of the clothes that I brought to make space for my new purchases. 

Research the area

If you are unfamiliar with the area you are visiting, I recommend researching as much as possible before you go. Many places around the world have different cultures, foods, languages, and sites to see that your hometown does not. Familiarizing yourself with the new environment is a great way to get to know the area and plan accordingly. Some things that should be researched before traveling include expected weather conditions, languages spoken, culture appropriation, and transportation availability. Having this knowledge on where you are headed will help you feel more confident and prepared for your trip.

Beach with umbrellas and a hill in the back
Original photo by Gabriela Tovar
Be aware of your surroundings

Depending on the area you will be in, it’s important to make sure you’re safe. In certain parts of the world, it can be unsafe to do some accustomed behaviors that are normal in your hometown. In some places, it can be unsafe to flash expensive jewelry or technology in streets that are known to be high in theft. I recommend keeping any important items in your purse or bag (preferably with a zipper). I also recommend not listening to music with headphones too loud so you can hear your surroundings better, especially during the beginning of your stay.

Don’t be afraid of trying something new

Immersing yourself into a new culture and environment is one of the most important parts of traveling, so you might as well make the most of it. Try different foods, activities, or meet new people on your trip. In all of my solo travels, I’ve made it my mission to see almost every monumental site in that area. You can also try to find your favorite local spots. Exploring can help you gain confidence and discover new places or activities that you love.

Enjoy yourself!

I know that traveling alone can induce feelings of homesickness. It can be daunting to take on the challenge of solo traveling, but I promise the experience is rewarding. Creating new memories and learning about other places can be an exciting experience for anyone. Make sure to do what feels best for you and have fun!

Hi! My name is Julia. I am am a third year English major with a minor in Environmental Science and Policy (also a pre-law student). I am from Miami Beach and my family is Spanish and Argentinian. I love music, running, matcha, reading, traveling, and the beach.