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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Please note, this article will contain spoilers (although minimal) for several popular novels and television shows.

Anybody who consumes any type of media — movies, television shows, or books — can probably think of one character who they believe is attractive. They might be rooting for them from beginning to end or develop an attachment over time, but one thing is certain: we want this character in some way. Thus, a perfect book boyfriend is curated. For those who don’t know, a book boyfriend is a fictional character who the reader would pursue if they were alive. There are so many of them, almost too many to count, but if I had to narrow them down, this would be the list of my top book boyfriends. 

Honorable Mention: Nathan Scott, One Tree Hill

While not a boyfriend from a book, it’d be a missed opportunity not to mention him. Nathan is your classic outspoken jock who ends up falling for the quiet, nerdy girl. While their relationship is anything but smooth, he manages to win us over. It’s a classic case of opposites attract. Yet, by the end (or at least season 7, which is how much I’ve watched), it’s not. He’s cocky and arrogant at first but changes for the better all on his own. Who doesn’t love a self-aware king?

7: sodapop curtis, the outsiders

Let’s all take a trip back down memory lane to sixth-grade English. I know you read The Outsiders or, at the very least, watched the movie. So honestly, how can you not swoon for Sodapop? He’s charismatic and tough, yet there’s a softer side to him. He’s not the main character, but he’s still vital to the plot. What really did it for me was the casting. Young Rob Lowe? They knew what they were doing! Aside from that, I see bits and pieces of myself in him. His name is wacky, much like mine, giving him a special place in my heart.

6: Edward Cullen, Twilight

I have mixed feelings about Edward. I loved his character in the books, but the movies changed my stance on him. He does things that irk me. For example, he always thinks that he knows what’s best for Bella but never bothers to consider what she wants. (I’m looking at you, New Moon.) Yet, it’s obvious how much he cares for her through his actions. At the end of the day, his vampire persona lured me in. What’s not to like about that?

5: Ron Weasley, Harry Potter

Ron takes the title of my first book boyfriend. I always found everything about him attractive: his undying loyalty to Harry, his status as a tall king, and our opposite personalities. He’s the jokester of the group, prioritizing comedy over logic, something I never do. When I first read the books, opposites attract was a foreign concept. Now, it’s my favorite trope, so that subtle love for our differences drew me to Ron, and I’m not complaining.

4: Wes Bennett, better than the movies

I’m not going to lie about this one. I just discovered Wes last week, but it only took me four hours to finish the book. (What can I say? My insomnia had me awake at 3:00 am.) Regardless, Wes easily earned a spot in the top five. He’s the six-foot athlete boy next door, and banter is how he flirts. I love banter! Everything he said had me giggling and kicking my feet in the pitch-black of my dorm room. (It was a struggle to keep it together, but my roommates needed their rest.) Aside from that, he prioritizes Elizabeth’s wishes and happiness even though they differ from what he wants. So, he’s funny, a good boyfriend, and according to his t-shirt, an “educated feminist bro,” which is basically the holy trinity. (Side note: Charlie Bushnell was announced as the narrator for the sequel’s audiobook, which fits Wes so well. That’s also why he’s my fancast for Wes.)

3: Peeta Mellark, the Hunger Games

One of my newest book boyfriends quickly climbed up the ranks. Peeta is soft and genuine; when he loves, he loves deeply. I want someone who knows my favorite color, how my style’s changed, and who’s willing to overcome tracker jacker venom for me. I don’t want to rush into something, and Peeta would understand that. No matter how much he needs Katniss, he never pushes her to want him to, simply hoping she’ll get there someday. Well, Peeta is the one that I want. 

2: Garrett Graham, the deal

He’s a hockey player. Do I need to say more? (Probably not, but I will). He’s cocky and confident, yet self-aware, and makes jokes about said persona. Likewise, he’s so funny. I remember reading the book and constantly laughing, which is such a green flag. He’s also the biggest women’s defender going after someone from his girlfriend’s past. Hot! 

1: Percy Jackson, Percy Jackson and the Olympians

He is a man written by a woman, even though he was quite literally written by a man. Percy is perfection. He is loyal to not only his friends but also his girlfriend, me, Annabeth. He’s clueless, which I find endearing; the entire series, he lives in denial, refusing to believe that he might have a crush on Annabeth. When he finally recognizes his feelings, he is protective of her, but not overtly so. He knows that Annabeth can handle herself; she’s proven that, but it’s still cute. When she’s falling into Tartarus, literal hell, he falls with her. (Who doesn’t want that?) When he’s taking on the curse of Achilles, she is his lifeline tying him to the real world. A literal dream.

Overall, these boys are absolutely amazing, and I would give anything to date them in real life. Hopefully, that’s the case for you too now, but be warned, I will throw hands (Just kidding!). If not, then I hope you at least found a new book to add to your TBR, a TV show for your watchlist, a movie for your next girls night, or a flashback to a time before.

Michalena (mick-uh-lee-na) Capogreco is a sophomore Pharmaceutical Sciences major from Boston, MA. When she's not studying or writing, you can find her listening to music, reading a good book, or maybe baking a sweet treat. Despite having a basketball-obsessed younger brother, it was never really her thing until attending a UConn game. As a former athlete, she respects their hustle!