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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

I met my now-boyfriend at the end of my senior year of high school. Developing a relationship shortly before college meant facing the scary idea of long distance. Back then, we were scared about what long distance would mean, but thought the shot was worth it. Now, a year and three months later, we’re closer than ever. Out of the 16 total months we’ve known each other, eight have been long-distance, and we’ve learned what makes those months apart easier!


Pick a time to phone your partner, and try to do it daily. Set up a routine that brings you closer together. Our personal routine is a call at night before bed, where we both converse about our days in detail and see where our thoughts take us. We end the call with a few New York Times games (such as the Wordle and connections) and say good night. Hearing his voice before bed is my favorite part of the day!


To avoid the stress of long distance, minimize it best you can by scheduling. Whether you’re organized or not, a schedule will ease your nerves, as well as give you something to look forward to. I recommend a physical calendar and a date night to fill them out together!


Remember, you are your own person. In a long-distance relationship, being connected to each other 100% of the time feels like the goal. However, when you give up your own experiences at college because you’re not with your partner, opportunities to create friends and have new experiences are lost. You’re not setting your relationship aside when you prioritize your own time!


It’s easy to be in the moment when you first see your partner after a long time. When it’s been days, weeks, or even months, your phone and your photos are your last priority. My boyfriend and I would spend an amazing weekend together, reminisce about our dates and laughs, and then go look at the pictures we took — only to find there were none! While being away from your phone is a good habit when you’re with the person you love, memories are even sweeter to look back on, whether in the moment or in the future.


My last piece of advice is the one that affected me the most at first. I found it important to know the people in my boyfriend’s life because the people he loves make him who he is. My goal during our first year was to establish a level of connection with his best friends during visits. Seeing his new friendships form and grow personally, instead of from afar made me feel more connected to his life far away. Vice versa as he got to know my friends and their impact on my own life.

For those of you questioning “Is long distance worth it?” I hope that this article has given you some insight. While the distance is hard, these tricks have helped me manage the time away, and I have never regretted it!

My name is Lucia Martinez-Castro and I'm a sophomore at the University of Connecticut. I love all things art, creativity, finding new sitcoms, and connecting with people! MY favorite weekends are the ones where I explore areas with friends, or a fun concert night. Im huge on UConn basketball, and I love volleyball too!