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How Kamala Harris Is Changing The Narrative For Women In Politics

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

In a political landscape often dominated by grandstanding, machismo, and the loud bluster of talking heads, Kamala Harris stands out not just for her status as the first female Vice President of the United States, but for her calm, collected, and often sharp-witted approach to navigating the male-dominated world of politics. From her poised debates to her disarming humor, Harris is reshaping the narrative for women in politics in more ways than one.

First off, let’s talk about the historic elephant (or should we say donkey?) in the room: her role as the first woman, the first Black woman, and the first woman of South Asian descent to hold the office of Vice President. These milestones alone have done more than shatter glass ceilings — they’ve sent them crashing down with a sledgehammer. But it’s not just about breaking barriers, it’s about how she navigates them once they’re gone.

In the male-dominated halls of power, women are often typecast into certain roles: nurturers, background players, or token figures meant to symbolize “diversity” without real agency. Harris, however, plays the political game differently. Whether she’s on the Senate floor grilling high-ranking officials with her legal jargon or sparring in debates with an unwavering smile, Harris doesn’t just participate in the political arena, she redefines it.

Her wit has been a refreshing counterpoint to the heavy-handedness that often shadows politics. During the 2020 Vice Presidential Debate, when her opponent repeatedly interrupted her, Harris didn’t respond with anger or aggression. Instead, she calmly asserted, “I’m speaking,” a simple, yet powerful declaration that women everywhere recognized as more than just a debate tactic. It was a reclamation of space and a refusal to be sidelined, a stance women in boardrooms, classrooms, and kitchen tables have been fighting for ages.

This blend of toughness and relatability is shifting perceptions of women in power. Harris is proving that women in politics don’t need to fit a specific mold to be successful. She can be both tough and tender, direct and diplomatic, and serious yet humorous. For younger generations, she embodies a more flexible, dynamic model of leadership. Girls watching her on TV no longer have to imagine themselves bending into shapes that don’t fit to succeed in politics; they can bring their full selves to the table.

So, as Kamala Harris continues to rise, she’s not just changing the game for herself. She’s changing the narrative for all women who aspire to be leaders in a world that too often sees them as supporting characters. By refusing to play by outdated rules, Harris is writing a new chapter in American politics, one where women aren’t just speaking—they’re being heard.

pre-law | writer | lover of the finer things