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What To Do If You Can’t Land A Job After College

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

We’ve all either been through it or know someone who has.

Submitting hundreds, if not thousands, of online job applications just to get one or two responses and get rejected or ghosted a few days later. We’re told from a young age if we go to college and get a degree, a decent job will follow, but this isn’t the case anymore.

College grads are battling increased competition, rising inflation, and the slowing of hiring processes. According to the Joint Economic Committee, the Bureau of Labor Statistics states that the unemployment rate has risen to 4.3% as of July 2024. We are also expected to see another lapse in job growth until the end of 2025. While this isn’t great news, there are lots of activities you can explore during this downtime that don’t include hours of rewatching Love Island or doom-scrolling on TikTok.

Try volunteering

Volunteer work won’t pay the bills, but it’s a great opportunity to get your foot in the door with different organizations and make connections. Hiring managers love to see volunteer experience on a resume, as it shows your interests and skills. If you don’t have much time, commit just a few hours to a short volunteer shift once a week, bonus points if you can find something related to your field of interest!

Work a part-time job or side hustle

Find a job with transferable skills and use those to your advantage, and don’t be afraid to try something new. Money is money, even if it’s not your dream job. Holding a position, even one outside your target field will show future employers you are a diligent and responsible worker. Plus, It will provide you with more professional experience to include on your resume.

utilize networking

Recent college grads have a huge variety of networking resources at their disposal. Call on any connections you’ve made during your time at school, including Greek Life or campus clubs you’ve been part of, or even past professors or classmates. UCF Alumni has an amazing network where alumni can sign up to offer mentorship, post job listings, and support UCF students.

rework your application materials

If you can afford to consult an expert, they can offer personalized advice to help you take your application materials to the next level. If not, there are so many free and affordable resources available online to help you improve your resume and cover letter on your own. You can find a ton of great guides on Her Campus, like this article, for resumes. Explore new methods and strategies for job searching and practice your interview skills with a friend, family member, or even your cat!

stay positive

I know it seems like there’s no hope at the moment, but don’t give up! Everybody follows their own individual path through life, and it can be disheartening to see others succeed when we feel like we’re failing. Take advantage of any additional time to learn a new hobby, hang out with family and friends, or just relax after all the hard work you did to get through college.

I hope these tips were helpful for you and I wish you the best in your post-grad plans!

Kayla is pursuing a second degree in Writing & Rhetoric at the University of Central Florida, her first being in Studio Art with a minor in Entrepreneurship. She is a Staff Writer for HerCampus UCF who enjoys writing about lifestyle, fitness, and wellness. Kayla currently lives in beautiful Tampa, FL and she loves being active, reading, cooking, and spending long days at the beach.