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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

You’re exhausted by homework, eyes bright red from tears, and the sheer fact that you can’t remember the last time you blinked. You slam your hand to the table and only one thing seems to be the salvation you’re looking for: a damn sweet treat. Dramatic, I know, but that’s just the name of the game. The simple solution to all your troubles seems to be just a refrigerator away: ice cream, soda, chocolate, a tin of strawberries. A sweet treat can be anything you want it to be! But, I’m sure you’re familiar with the sentiment already. In fact, I’m sure you’ve said it before too (I know I have)! Then again, what even is a “sweet treat”? 

Well, I’m so glad you asked! Let’s start off simple. A sweet treat is exactly that…a sweet treat. It’s a very personalized phenomena in that way. A sweet treat could be anything from a scoop of chocolate brownie ice cream (or the whole pint) to your favorite carbonated beverage that always brings a smile to your face! It can be big or small or something you make or have made for you. Personally, I love going out to get my sweet treats. I’d even argue most of the magic of a sweet treat comes from the journey to get it, but we’ll get into that later! 

When I’m pining for a sweet treat, I usually go for a soda or some ice cream. It’s small, sweet, and usually satisfies my sweet treat gremlin urges. But, if it doesn’t, that’s totally okay, too! The best part about sweet treats is that they are entirely up to you. Sure, your friend may be satisfied with a bowl of popcorn, but your sweet treat gremlin needs at least a cup of chocolate syrup to get things going, and that’s just how it is. Honestly, I find that sweet treat culture helps me listen to my body more. When I find myself getting frustrated, angry, or helpless, taking a step back to enjoy a sweet treat is a really helpful starting point for me!

When my eyes start to glaze over looking at my assignments or when I start to feel my heart pulsating out of my chest, that’s time for a sweet treat. When the assignment that took you forever is finally done or when your computer alerts you it’s going to die in T-5, that’s sweet treat time. I like to use my sweet treats as a motivator. If I finish this assignment — this assignment that is so boring and eye-drying I would rather clean all of the dirty dishes — I can reward myself with a sweet little treat! It’s a dopamine boost and it helps me find something new to look forward to when things get a bit hazy. Whether you’re most motivated by reward or restiction, a sweet treat can come into play either way! But let’s be honest, you’ll probably do both.

Sweet treats can also be a great way to hang out with friends! For instance, you’re sitting on the couch, and your friend turns to you and says that they’ve been reading this assignment 10-times over and nothing seems to be clicking. Girl, that sounds like it’s time for a sweet treat. Bam! It’s hangout time. Sometimes it’s okay to take a step away from what’s necessary and do what you want to do. Life is full of need to-do’s and deadlines, so make sure you set time aside for yourself, or if it’s easier, a sweet little treat! It’s important to put time aside to enjoy the silly things because in a way, those are the most important things. Sweet treats can also invite you to explore new cool places! I wouldn’t have found half of my favorite treats and spots if it weren’t for the drive of one sweet treat! With local bakeries, grocery stores, fast food joints, and home-cooked recipes, there’s so many amazing new places all around. I say explore all the avenues that lead to the delicious, it makes life a bit more fun and tasty!

Most importantly, sweet treats are a great way to encourage to give yourself a f*cking break! You have done so much hard work and you deserve some time to appreciate that! It’s cause for celebration! It’s cause for a sweet treat! Go out and explore new places, hang out with friends, but most importantly, do it because you want to. We only get one life, you might as well fill it with sweet treats!  

Hey! My name is Savannah and I'm majoring in mass communications with a concentration in news and content creation and minoring in creative writing! I love studio ghibli, art, cooking, reading, and of course, writing <3