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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

Growing up, I wasn’t a nap person. It wasn’t that I didn’t try, I just simply couldn’t. I must have had too much energy to sleep. But even though I could have taken this a different route, I thought there was something wrong with me. I think that because I couldn’t nap, it led me to think in a certain way, blaming me first and not looking at the good sides of stories experienced in my life. 

I think, in turn, this affected me in a devastating way. When I looked at other girls, I would compare myself: do they have something I don’t have, are they prettier than me, and the list goes on. It really affected my self-esteem, and I let it happen.  

I noticed that women throughout their lives are pit against each other, always worried if the girls around her are better in some way. Questions such as, does she have better hair than me? Why does she have more curves than me? Then, we are talking rudely about the others. In high school, it is at its highest. We are constantly talking and worried about what others are doing and what they look like. It continues on into adulthood. When you get to college: what is she wearing out, does this shirt look better on her than me, do I look fatter than all the girls in the picture?  

But that is where we should start to fix it. We change our thinking to knowing that we are beautiful, but she is also beautiful, and that we all are. When we believe that everyone is beautiful, because they are, you will begin to believe that you are beautiful just the way you are. You won’t worry about if she looks better than you because happiness and confidence are the best things to wear.  

I noticed when I implemented this change in my life, I felt 10 times better. We all have bad days and there have been days where I still compare myself to others, still feel like I’m not as pretty. But I would take a deep breath and ground myself, saying phrases like, I am beautiful, I am worthy and more. Just those small changes made a world of difference. I stopped worrying about what others were doing and focused on myself.  

I can now take naps, and I have figured out what works best to take those naps. Some sleep on a couch, some take a bed, others a chair or floor, but we all take naps that fulfill the needs of sleep. I know to not worry what others are doing, or if they have prettier hair than me, because I’ll tell them, but I also know that my hair is beautiful in my own way. Just like all of us are and also have been.  

Madeline Thornton is a new member to Her Campus at St. Bonaventure University, and she is excited to write pieces that focus on womanhood, campus life, reading and many other interests. Madeline has had girlhood close to her heart since childhood and has always wanted to find a way to share and make a difference in other women's lives. Madeline is currently a freshman studying psychology but thinking about double majoring in Criminology and Psychology. Other than that Madeline works in the financial aid office, aiding her peers through simple problems. She is also looking into joining club sports on campus, to become part of a new community and interact with her peers more. Away from school, Madeline likes to go on walks, read romance novels and hang out with her friends at the Pavilion on campus. When she isn't doing these things, she is watching her new obsessions show, currently SWAT and Suits. She is also a fan of going and grabbing a sweet treat, don’t be afraid to ask, she will always say yes! She also works at an ice cream shop in her hometown! Her favorite ice cream is Grasshopper Pie, it tastes better than the name, she promises!