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Counting Down to Graduation and What I’ve Learned

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

The time has finally come. Senior year (or in my case senior semester) has arrived. With just over three months until the big day, I find myself looking back at my time here at Penn State.

I decided to make a list of the things I have learned on my journey and what I wish I knew looking back.

Learn to love spending time by yourself

College teaches you how to become independent, but this isn’t a skill that comes naturally to everyone. As an underclassman, I had the mindset that if I didn’t have a friend to attend an activity with then I wouldn’t go.

Because of this, I missed out on a number of events simply because I didn’t want to go by myself. A beautiful part of having friends is that you don’t always have the same interests as them. Towards the middle of my junior year, I finally began feeling comfortable to do the things I wanted, whether someone went with me or not.

For example, if I wanted to try a place downtown for dinner, I would go by myself. The same went for movies, events on campus and more. Instead of being upset that I was by myself, I would look forward to these “solo dates” with myself and enjoy the feeling of independence instead.

Use your resources

Penn State is huge. In my three and a half years here, I am still learning about the resources on campus for students that are ready to be used. Time flies by quickly. Before you know it, you will be in my shoes about to graduate, wishing that you utilized the facilities and services on campus.

From career services and getting free business professional clothing, to Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) to Lion Pantry. There are a million things specifically catered to bettering the lives of Penn State students for little to no cost.

Another resource that is constantly overlooked is our professors. Who better to know about opportunities such as scholarships, internships, or networking events in your college and major than the person who is teaching you about the subject in the first place?

Don’t be afraid to speak up and advocate for yourself. Professors appreciate students taking initiative and many of them are more than happy to speak with you and provide resources for the things that you would like to achieve.

You miss all of the shots that you don’t take.

Enjoy the little things

College is hard and it goes by much quicker than you think. I feel as if I blinked and woke up in my senior year. It felt like just yesterday that I was a bright-eyed freshman staring down a supposedly long four-year journey.

As my time here as a student winds down, I look back at an abundance of memories that I cherish and will take with me as I leave. A stroll through the Arboretum, people-watching on College Avenue or enjoying a warm spring day on HUB Lawn are all memories that I will continue to admire.

Of course, the football games in Beaver Stadium are fantastic, as well as bar hopping with friends on the weekends. However, the tiny things that most people don’t think twice about will be the things that I miss the most as a student.

Watching the leaves change colors and eventually lose their leaves, killing time in the HUB while waiting for a friend, a late night walk to the Halal Cart. These are a huge part of the experience that made my Penn State career one that I will truly never forget.

Madison Mendez is a fourth-year student at Penn State majoring in Professional Photography. She is from Orlando, Florida and is obsessed with Billie Eilish, the beach, and baking.