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Items From My Dorm I Won’t Be Bringing to My Apartment

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

So, you’ve officially moved on from dorm life to a brand-new, magical world of apartment living. While you’re busy daydreaming of cozy nights with your best friends and your bedroom being the cutest decorated place you’ve ever seen, the not-so-glamorous side of unpacking needs to be tackled first. To help make your new space perfect, let’s discuss all the things you might not need to keep during this school year! From leftover dorm essentials to decor you’re thinking of trashing, moving into an apartment can be a great way to declutter a year’s worth of things you might’ve forgotten about or just realized you didn’t need anymore. 

It’s hard for me to let things go, but now that I’ve gotten rid of a few things to clear out my living space, I can’t even remember why I owned them in the first place. Let’s dive into all things decluttering! 

Mini fridge

Let’s start with the good old mini fridge: the ultimate companion for fresh food and ice-cold drinks. Although it was nice for the time I had it, once you have a full-size fridge, the mini fridge might be sitting half-empty for a good amount of time. Maybe a soda here or a bottle of water there, but that’s about it. It just takes up space in your room. As long as you keep your full-size fridge pretty organized with your roommates, there’s nothing that you can’t store in there, so lose the little guy. If you live solo in an apartment, go crazy!

Bathroom items

In terms of bathroom things, shower caddies, metal shelving, and shower organizers are just a few of the items your bathroom was stocked with that might seem a little pointless in your new upgrade. Most showers usually have some shelving to store your things, among cupboards and cabinets to keep your essentials organized and tucked away. Gone are the days of constantly carrying your things back and forth. Welcome to the luxury of already having your things waiting for you.

Storage Furniture

Extra dressers and ottomans are so last year, as storage comes with the new territory. From a nice, spacious closet to dressers galore and a storage closet in your kitchen or living room, there’s usually a lot more storage than you know what to do with. Say goodbye to the extra, bulky furniture, as apartment living allows for a stress-free way to store everything you need. 

Kitchen supplies

This one’s a little subjective, especially if you have roommates. Coming to an apartment from a dorm, there might not be any need to have the excessive amount of kitchen supplies you might’ve had all to yourself in a dorm. Talk with your roommates and try to minimize the amount of things you have to purchase or bring. Maybe one roommate can bring utensils, while someone else handles plates, and so on. By creating a plan to tackle kitchen essentials, you can leave more space for other exciting things. 


Lastly, it’s time to give your bedroom the glow-up it deserves. The Twin XL bedding has to go, as you’re now upgrading to a nice full-size bed! With new bedding, sheets, and anything else you might need, I can guarantee you’ll be sleeping like a princess. Maybe it’s also time for a change of scenery and to switch up the decor around your bed. Get rid of torn posters and string lights hanging on to their last life, as there’s no better chance to refresh than now!  

Moving from a dorm to an apartment is such an exciting time in your later years of college, and it’s the perfect opportunity to declutter and refresh your brand-new space. By ditching all things unnecessary and tackling the move-in process with a game plan, you can create a cute and cozy space that’ll truly start to feel like home. Pack up the essentials, let go of the clutter, and enjoy!

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Abrianna Hernandez is a Her Campus writer at her university chapter with a love for journalism, who covers topics on entertainment, beauty, fashion, and more. Abrianna is currently working towards a bachelor’s degree in Accounting, but apart from focusing on her studies, she enjoys any and all things writing, taking the time creating articles in everything that she’s passionate about.