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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

Are you looking for a creative way to practice self care? A lot of people may recommend physical activities, such as exercising, sleeping, or eating certain foods to lift your spirits, which are all perfect ways to destress! But, some people may prefer more relaxed activities, and that is where writing and crafts can be extremely beneficial for your wellness journeys. Here are a few art forms that you can implement in your lives.


Writing is a great way to express yourself, especially if you prefer keeping your thoughts or feelings private.There are so many different forms of writing you can explore too, such as journaling, poetry, or even memoir style writing. It’s important that you explore your emotions instead of bottling them up.

Painting and Drawing

Both painting and drawing utilize bright textures and colors that can help your mental health! Both allow you to create images for ultimate self expression. I feel that a lot of people may be scared off by painting and drawing, claiming to be “not a good artist,” but art doesn’t have to be perfect. There’s beauty in each detail you express, not in the overall “perfection” of the piece!


I think music is probably the best and easiest way to access self care, since you can just log onto Spotify and listen to your favorite songs! I also have found that getting a record player and investing in vinyls is a great way to really sit and listen to the music. You can also try to learn to play an instrument, or you can try singing too. Whether you are listening, playing, or singing along to different songs, music is a great way to help destress.


If you are someone that likes self care physical activities as well as art, then dance is definitely for you! Whether you were a dancer growing up or you have no dancing experience, you can easily sign up for a local class. And there are so many forms of dance you can explore, like ballet, jazz, or hip hop.


If you’re someone who likes to create usable things, then crafting would be for you! Crafting can include things like crocheting, scrapbooking, or jewelry making, so everything you make becomes a physical memory that you can hang on to and show off.

Overall, self care is extremely important and is a way to prioritize yourself in a world that is extremely demanding of you. Whether you write, paint, listen to music, dance, or create a craft, any of these art forms are great to ensure that you are making time for yourself and your mental health. Moreover, you can try out some different hobbies that will complement your life and your interests. I hope you found this helpful!

Baileigh Hannah

Illinois '25

Baileigh is a passionate English major that also loves to dabble in creative writing. When she isn't writing, you can find her rewatching The Office, reading a book, or listening to new music!