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Original photo by Rina Muguruma
Style > Decor

I Want to Live in a Pinterest Board

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

Before the start of every academic year I always feel so inspired to rebrand myself. Sort of like a spring cleaning or fresh start I think it’s so important to constantly be searching for ways to expand yourself. For me, that usually involves Pinterest. 

I don’t know about you, but Pinterest has been making a comeback recently into my life and I am not mad about it. There’s something so magical about having access to so many aesthetics at the tap of your finger. I feel like I have an inspo board for anything and everything. Wall art, Fall outfits, motivational quotes, TV characters, room decor, jewelry, makeup looks? You name it!

Everything is perfect on a pinterest board. You curate everything exactly how you want it with nothing interfering with it. Take a look at my roommates and I Apartment Inspo board. It makes you feel so cozy just by looking at it. The vibes cannot be ruined and it reminds you of all the possibilities you have to create your life how you want it.

Now if you take a look at what my apartment actually looks like there are definitely some drastic differences. It’s called an “Inspo Board” for a reason, but that doesn’t mean your life can’t resemble a Pinterest Board. It takes a lot of time and effort to do that, but it’s not impossible.

My favorite thing about using Pinterest though, is being able to turn off my brain for a second and immerse myself into this aesthetically pleasing world. The more you use it, the more the algorithm represents you! I think it is a great platform to not only get inspiration, but connect with other people’s boards too. I love seeing my friends’ Pinterest Board, getting a glimpse of what their world looks like.

All in all, if it isn’t apparent by now I love Pinterest. My only complaint is that it’s not real.

Julia is an Entertainment & Media Studies major. She enjoys all types of music (except country), anything with pesto sauce, and sitcoms. In her free time she loves exploring new places with friends, cooking, and watching movies.