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From a First-Timer for a First-Timer: Bar Crawl Tips and Tricks

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

On the 21st night of September, Blono Barcrawls hosted their Fall 2024 bar crawl in downtown Bloomington. Hence the date reference, the theme was disco, allowing everyone over 21 to get their groove on. This was my first bar crawl, and as a recent legal drinker, I have some tips about how to make your next crawl the best one yet.

Blono Barcrawls hosts a bar crawl in downtown Bloomington each semester with a theme. This year’s happened to be disco, but in the past, there’s been Margaritaville, Las Vegas, and so on. This brings me to my first recommendation- dress the part. At this semester’s disco bar crawl, I saw people in go-go boots, flair pants, and wearing lots of bright colors. I even wore purple disco ball earrings and metallic beaded necklaces. Dressing the theme makes the crawl much more fun, so don’t be afraid to go all in.

Also, choose a group to go with who matches your style. Have fun getting ready and dressing up together. And be sure that your group matches your drinking style. If you like to be lowkey, don’t choose the rowdiest-when-drunk group of friends- you will likely be overwhelmed and not have a great time. If you enjoy going all out, don’t choose a group of people you will feel held back by. Regardless of the group you choose, make sure it’s a group you will feel comfortable around and will check that you make it home safely.

Not only do you need to be stylish and have a good group, but you also need to be safe. Know your limits so you can enjoy the full length of the crawl. Before beginning to drink, I had a glass of water with an electrolyte packet. Also, each time I ordered an alcoholic drink, I made sure to order water to have with it. Don’t be ashamed; this kept me hydrated and hangover-free. I also know the maximum amount of drinks I can consume before it becomes a night of illness, so make sure you take it easy and space out your drinking.

With your drinks, don’t forget the food. Yes, bar crawls are centered around drinking, but food is key for a day full of alcohol. Eat a filling, carb-loaded breakfast to soak up the alcohol. Don’t forget to eat during the crawl, either. Even if it’s just an appetizer, it will help continue to reduce the alcohol content in your body and make it so you can spend longer drinking and feel a lot better throughout the crawl.

My final tip would be when it comes to your schedule, don’t have plans the next day. If you follow these tips, you will likely feel just fine the following day, but it’s a bummer to limit your bar crawl excitement because you must be prepared for whatever event is happening the next day. Work hard before the crawl to complete whatever needs to be done, and relax after.

Follow these tips at your next bar crawl and you won’t be crawling out as you leave! Be safe and have a good time.

Paige Stolp

Illinois State '25

Hi, I'm Paige! I am a senior Middle Level Teacher Education major here at Illinois State with endorsements in science and English Language Arts. I enjoy being my own barista, cooking, watching sunrises and sunsets, and all things Taylor Swift!