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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

By: Eva Schoen

Ever since I was a kid, I have loved music. I grew up playing piano (“forced” at the time – I ended up quitting, only to start playing again in college and rediscovering how much joy it brought me), and once I finally got a phone, my bus rides home from school were spent with my head against the window, wired earbuds blaring whatever the (wait for it) PANDORA station of the day had for me. Pandora. I know. It shocks and haunts me too. But anyways, I would climb onto the bus after a long day of rudimentary learning and shut the rest of the world out to my tunes. As the years went by, my taste grew and evolved – I consider myself pretty well-rounded, listening to just about anything. But the genre I’ve found myself most affiliated with over the last seven years, give or take, is indie/alternative rock. 

No matter what mood you’re in, I feel like this is the go-to genre. It truly fits with everything. When I’m happy, I can jam out, bob my head along – when I’m mad, I can do the same (but with rage). It’s something I find myself coming back to again and again, even when I go through my different phases of genres. I’ve always loved sending people songs I think they’d like, or when they send new songs to me, so here are my top three artists in the indie/alt-rock genre: give them a try!

  1. The Backseat Lovers

The Backseat Lovers was one of the first indie bands I ever found (thanks, Pandora!) and I have to say, they changed my life. I consider them my introduction to the genre, and I never looked back. Picture it – little 15-year-old Eva, mindlessly playing whatever was on my recommended songs list, when all of a sudden – that guitar riff, the intro to what would become one of my favorite songs – “Out of Tune.” WOW. Since that day, I’ve seen them in concert four times (my personal highest!) and every time has been amazing. The only downside here is that there aren’t a ton of songs, so once you really start loving them, all you want is more. Right now, they stand at two studio albums (and a live one), an EP, and a handful of singles. The band is from Utah, which gives their lead singer, Joshua Harmon, one of the cutest singing accents I’ve ever heard. Their lyrics are amazing and each instrument has a chance to shine (Jonas Swanson killing it on guitar, KJ Ward with the sweet bass riffs,  and Juice Welch tearing up the drum solos) – they’re just so incredibly well-rounded, and will probably always be considered my favorite band. Plus, if you like them, Joshua has his own solo music out – check out deeper sleeper for more great songs!

Favorite song: “Words I Used” off of Waiting to Spill 

  1. Briston Maroney

You’ve heard about my favorite band, now it’s time for my favorite solo artist – Briston Maroney. Briston is a 26-year-old from Tennessee with one of the coolest voices I’ve ever had the pleasure of hearing. The first song I heard by him was “Caroline”, which made me cry then, and still makes me cry from time to time now (happy tears. mostly.)! You can hear the passion for what he’s doing in his music, which I think is one of the most beautiful things about the form. The tone and emotion in his voice are stellar and, I promise, will draw you in immediately. He has a plethora of great songs to work your way through, plus a REALLY funny personality. If you follow his Instagram, you’ll know what I mean. Hilarious, really. Despite being a huge fan for years, I just got to see him live for the first time in February with my little sister, and I get to see him again in Orlando on September 22 – tickets are still on sale if you’re interested! He’s a ridiculously talented musician and lyricist, and I’ll recommend him to everyone forever!

Favorite song: “Why” off of Sunflower 

  1. Peach Pit

Yep! The sound that Peach Pit brings to the table is so unique – Neil Smith sings in a textured, husky voice, making you feel like they’re performing in the room with you for every song.  These guys are from Canada, which, if you’ve ever heard a band from Canada, you know is a good sign. Christopher Vanderkooy is on guitar and is putting in the WORK on every song. I’ve never had the pleasure of seeing them live, but I’m sure watching him play would put me in a trance – the videos of them alone are proof. I’ve lost many nights gazing at my screen, just appreciating him perform. On bass is Peter Wilton, another force in the industry – going back to the video comment, he also shreds. Rounding the group out is Mikey Pascuzzi, which is an absolutely awesome last name, as their drummer. I think my favorite thing about these guys is that they really do seem like a family. Their Instagram is full of pictures that make them look like best friends, not just coworkers – matching outfits, dorky photoshoots – it’s just so refreshing to see. Their new album, Magpie, is out on October 25, and I’m personally counting down the days until I get to hear more from them! 

Favorite song: “Black Licorice” off of You and Your Friends

I’ve just been so lucky to have found all these bands. They’ve shaped my taste so much, and brought so much happiness (and understanding!) to my psyche. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for each of them, and if you listen, I hope you love them just as much as I do! 

Eva Schoen

Tampa '26

Eva Schoen is a new writer and editor of Her Campus magazine as of 2024. She enjoys writing about the entertainment industry, including film, music, and literature. Eva was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio, and currently resides in Tampa, Florida for school. She is currently a second-year film major and psychology minor at the University of Tampa. On top of Her Campus, she is an intern for the Gasparilla International Film Festival, and balances an on-campus job as well. A lifelong pursuant of art, Eva enjoys anything pertaining to filmmaking, writing, music, and reading. She spends most of her free time outdoors, enjoying the Tampa scenery, and loves playing tennis and spending as much time in/on the water as possible. She loves to try new things, and is always on the lookout for her latest adventure!