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Why I Prefer Fall Over Summer: A Personal Reflection

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Toronto MU chapter.

Now that school has started, I cannot help but think about summer — the season where all the joy begins. If you’re not taking courses in summer school, you’re either relaxing, completing an internship, working a summer job, or adventuring. Or perhaps you’re a master of all trades and balancing it all. 

There’s just something so relaxing about summer. Many can argue that it’s the weather change or the fact that the days are longer. But whatever it is, people just seem to be more energetic throughout the summer. And I can’t say that I blame them for that. 

Initially, when spring shifted into summer, I felt super excited. I couldn’t believe that summer was coming. So, I prepared by creating a bucket list of trips and adventures I planned to take part in throughout the season. These trips ranged from weekend getaways to small journeys that I could squeeze in during my day off from work.

In addition to this, there are moments in the summer which I can never experience in any other season. Many may cite the music festival or the outdoor concerts or patios. Heck, I could possibly relate as well; I would be lying if I said that I don’t miss my late-night ice cream runs or those voyages to Niagara Falls.

However, I feel that the joy of summer doesn’t last quite long. The summer weather can be too unbearable at times — some days, it would be ridiculously humid to the point where I’d come back home with a migraine. And other times, I would feel way too tired or sick to even go on trips and adventures. 

One day, I remember going on a hike and getting a migraine just because the weather was way too humid. As a result, I didn’t feel like going on adventures for a whole week.

Then, I realized that perhaps the summer season can be overrated. It’s the season when school supposedly ends and vacation begins, which makes it perceived to be the perfect season for trips. But the reality is that fall is, in my opinion, the better season for such activities.

Whenever fall begins, I feel a sense of renewal. If you’re a student, I know you may be asking why because, most likely, you’re dreading the season when you have to return to school and prepare for those daunting quizzes and exams. Well, the thing is, if you’re a university student, school could happen in the summer as well (but that’s another story).

Nevertheless, hear me out; fall is more of the season for exploration. The weather isn’t too cold or humid, making it easier to participate in outdoor activities.

In the summer, you probably had to constantly monitor yourself due to the heat. But in the fall, you don’t have to worry about the humidity. What’s even better is that you can still go on a quick jog or walk throughout the morning. And still, it won’t be too cold or too humid.

Additionally, if you enjoy hiking, fall is the perfect season to spend your time in forests. The leaves are changing colours, and that is, indeed, breathtaking to see for itself — even if you don’t want to post any pictures for Instagram. 

Imagine going to Muskoka or to a cottage during the fall; there is so much to see and do in the wilderness — perhaps way more than the summer.

And what about activities? Well, fear not; there are many festivities which you can enjoy throughout autumn as well. Think about those corn mazes you see on social media: you can grab a ticket and participate in one for yourself, or even those Halloween events — you’ll now have the chance to visit a haunted house or attend a Halloween dance. 

So no, the end of summer doesn’t always mean the end of the fun. I’m still going to go to Niagara every weekend, regardless of the time of year. I can still enjoy the adventures and partake in much more interesting activities. In fact, fun is just beginning in the fall season.

So, why not enjoy it before the dark, gloomy winter?

Candice Zhang

Toronto MU '26

Retail Management student at TMU who loves coffee and writing more than people.