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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

With flu season knocking on our doorstep, it feels like everyone is either coughing or sneezing, rendering it almost impossible to not catch something. While you can’t magically make Grounds germ-free, you can look out for yourself to avoid missing class or going out with your friends.

Step 1: Get a Flu Shot

First and foremost, get a flu shot to give yourself a better fighting chance against the flu The CVS on the Corner is convenient, close, and free. While you’re there, you could pick up a Vitamin C supplement to help build up your immune system. While you’re at CVS, it doesn’t hurt to also buy some cold or flu medicine to keep in your dorm.

Step 2: Stay Clean

Another way to ward off sickness is being clean: i.e. making sure you regularly wash your hands and keeping your surfaces and electronics clean. We’ve all known this since we were young, but it has and will always be repeated. Keeping your surroundings clean can make a huge difference, even if you don’t realize it. It’s as simple as taking a Clorox wipe and cleaning your phone every so often. It would also be helpful to have hand sanitizer in your backpack for whenever you might need it.

Step 3: Sleep, Sleep, Sleep

While this is definitely not entirely feasible for every student all the time, sleep is extremely important in maintaining good health. Sleeping enough to prevent being sick as well and if you do come down with a virus allows your immune system the time it needs to fight off the illness faster.

Step 4: Be Healthy

Similarly, try to maintain a healthy diet to the best of your ability. The nutrients in fruits and vegetables boost the immune system and provide your immune system support. Staying well hydrated doesn’t hurt, either.

Got Sick…Now What?

Sometimes life throws curveballs at us and nobody plans for getting sick, and nobody has a fun time going through it. If you start to feel under the weather, focus on the healthy habits and the tough times will hopefully be over faster.

Seraphine (or Sera) is a part of the writing team for the UVA chapter of Her Campus. She is a first year student intending to study political science. She aims to write articles about current pop culture events and news, anything related to fashion, and wellness tips for girls at UVA. Originally from northern New Jersey, Seraphineā€™s interests include reading, working out, and trying new foods and/or experiences. She is enthusiastic about iced matcha lattes, going out with her friends, day trips to the beach or city, and shopping. In her free time, Seraphine enjoys listening to music and watching TV shows (her personal favorites are Bojack Horseman, The Walking Dead, and especially season 6 of Love Island). At UVA, Seraphine is excited to meet new people and explore the new opportunities that are available. She hopes to explore Grounds as much as possible and also to get more involved with the community. Back home, her volunteer involvements were with her local library by assisting in summer programs and doing some writings for social media in addition to writing/illustrating notes for a charity. She has always loved writing and is so excited to be part of the team!