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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mizzou chapter.

It seems like yesterday that every day was beastly hot and humid, but October is right around the corner. Temperatures are dropping, and gloomy weather is rolling in. Personally, I’m so excited for pumpkin everything and cute fall fits. 

While there’s a lot of fun things about autumn, it unfortunately means that the days of me wanting to do anything outdoors will be gone. The minute it gets below 50 degrees, there’s nothing I want more than a cozy day at my dorm.

Since cold weather means being cooped up inside, I’ve been looking for ways to supplement my usual outdoor activities with a dorm-friendly alternative. Ever since I got my Nintendo Switch, cozy games have been my go-to. They’re easy to access, playable from my bed, and most importantly, get my mind off of the whirlwind of assignments, tests, jobs, and relationships that I have to juggle. 

I’m not a hardcore gamer by any means, but I love a good slice-of-life or racing game that strikes the perfect balance between “fun enough to keep me awake” and “relaxing enough that I can actually unwind from my three straight hours of lectures.” These three picks are staples in my game gallery, not just because they’re fun and entertaining, but they also provide enough flexibility for the schedule of any busy college student. Whether you have 15 minutes or 3 hours, these games will work for you.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Animal Crossing is quite possibly the cozy game, and for good reason. While I was a little late to the party, having not been a Switch owner during 2020, I’m happy to say that I’m making up for lost time now. Getting to interact with all of the colorful and cute villagers is genuinely one of the highlights of my week. When my brain feels like it’s about to explode from writing multiple discussion posts in a row, picking animated weeds for an hour is exactly the mindless task I need. I also love that you can work on building your island at your own pace.

Potion craft: alchemist simulator

If you’re looking for some more Halloween-y vibes, Potion Craft is the perfect fit. While it’s not a horror game, the medieval aesthetic of the game and the fun potions you can create adds a dash of witchiness. The mechanics are simple, but the minigames you have to play to haggle for prices spice things up! The art style is also super unique and fun to watch. While it’s not the most action-packed game out there, it’s great for a casual late night gaming session when you don’t really feel like going through the stress of actually having to fight an enemy or do a puzzle. Playing this while Vampire Diaries or Practical Magic is playing in the background makes for the perfect fall night.

disney speedstorm

I know that Mario Kart is the go-to for racing games, but hear me out  – this one is free. When I first got my Switch and didn’t feel like dropping more money after spending hundreds of dollars on the console in the first place, I downloaded Disney Speedstorm purely because it was free. I actually ended up loving it! It’s a standard racing game, but as a sucker for nostalgia, I love getting to race through locations from Disney movies I grew up watching. Who wouldn’t want to race through Ariel’s underwater kingdom or Mount Olympus? I’m usually not a fan of competitive games, but when I do want to switch things up and add a bit of excitement, this game is my go-to. 

As we get deeper into the semester and my classes get more intense, it’s been so important to have a hobby that provides a much-needed escape from the “real world.”  I’m still fairly new to the gaming world, and I don’t have enough free time to be super serious about it, but even getting a few hours a week to just relax and settle down for a good gaming session has been so great for my mental health. Whether you choose to craft potions, build your island, or race through your favorite nostalgic Disney movies, I hope these games will bring you as much comfort as they’re brought me.

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Olivia Watts

Mizzou '49

Olivia is a freshman at Mizzou studying Strategic Communications and English. She is born and raised in Columbia, MO, and is so excited to continue her journey at Mizzou. She enjoys reading, playing cozy games, and crocheting stuffed animals in her free time.