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Adrienne Bailon: Small Quotes that Inspire Me to Keep Going

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

One of the things that keeps me going through hard times is motivational quotes. There is just something about them. They genuinely can take my day from bad to good. My love language is words of affirmation, and I feel that is a major reason why motivational quotes resonate with me. As it is Hispanic Heritage Month, I wanted to give credit to one of the girls who changed my life: Adrienne Bailon. As most of you know, Adrienne Bailon was a Cheetah Girl. My favorite cheetah girl to be exact – Chanel. I fell in love with the Cheetah Girls movies as a kid. So much so that I still have it in my plans to be her one year for Halloween. As I grew up I remember seeing her the first time. I watched “Keeping Up With the Kardashians” during her relationship with Rob Kardashian. She inspired me in the way that she was so charismatic and so real. It was good to see people like that still exist. So for this article, I wanted to go through a couple of my favorite quotes from her that I have stumbled upon through the years.

“I think the most important thing I’ve learned is that you live and you learn. Try not to make the same mistake twice.”

Adrienne Bailon

This quote is one that I have just found recently. As human beings, we all tend to make mistakes. It is the repetition when it starts to become a bigger problem. Honestly, I have made repeated mistakes though. I couldn’t tell you why, but I always feel like things are going to get better if I keep on working at it. This is a good skill to have, but in some cases, it can become really bad. Going back to something or someone that is not good for you typically will only take away from your life. Learning to let go is difficult, especially when it is something that you cannot fully see how it is not adding to your life in the slightest. But the best thing to do is break the pattern. If it did not work the first time, odds are it will not work the second time. Try to help yourself by loving and letting go.

“Dont let anoyone dim your light”

Adrienne Bailon

I have struggled with this throughout my entire life. I have always been scared to draw too much attention to myself. It is hard when I am so passionate about something but I do not want to be embarrassed about the way I express my interests. Having to let go of this is something I am not fully there with yet. I am getting better at it, but I still struggle with it, especially in class with people you do not fully know. But Adrienne believes that we should be proud and not let anyone else get in the way of this. I cannot wait to be this confident in my abilities and I know I will reach this point one day.

“Always remember that somebody is praying for the opportunity that you have”

Adrienne Bailon

This resonates with me more in college than it has before. Getting the ability to pursue a degree in education at an amazing private university is something that not everyone can do. I am so so grateful that I get to do this, no matter how many hard days I have. Some people cannot attend a private school let alone attend secondary education in general. This makes me take a step back and look around and see how truly thankful I am for the life that I was given no matter what.

Gabby Martin is a sophomore writer for Her Campus. This is her second year writing for this organization. She writes about her emotions and current life situations while also talking about mental wellbeing and self care. Outside of Her Campus she is studying Childhood Education, Early Childhood Education, and Inclusive Education. Last year writing for Her Campus brought her so much happiness that she cannot wait to embark on a second year with this amazing chapter. She is from Caledonia, New York which is about 30 minutes outside of Rochester. In her free time she's love to spend time with her friends going out to eat or going on walks. She love reality tv shows as well as cheesy romantic comedies. Her favorite food is bagels and she drinks a coffee every single morning when she wakes up. Her main goal in life is to have an imprint on someone's life or have a positive influence on the choices they make in life. She's a girl who definitely makes a ton of mistakes and tries to help others not make the same ones.