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The Content Comeback: How Video Essays are Redefining Long-Form Storytelling

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

Gen Z might have the attention span of a goldfish, but when it comes to video essays, we’re swimming in deeper waters.

In a world where short-form content reigns supreme, Gen Z has earned a reputation for having shorter attention spans than any generation before. But amidst the endless TikTok scrolls and snappy reels, older members of Gen Z are curating their media diets with a surprising twist: they’re craving substance. Enter the video essay — a genre that combines entertainment with deep dives into complex topics. Though video essays have been around for years, their popularity has surged recently, reflecting a growing desire for more meaningful, long-form content. Whether it’s while savoring a meal or taking a cross-country trip, video essays offer the perfect blend of immersive storytelling and intellectual engagement. In an age of digital noise, they remind us that thoughtful analysis is making a comeback — and Gen Z is here for it.

What Even Are Video Essays?

So, what are video essays?

In true self-explanatory fashion, video essays use narrative and visual elements to convey an idea or argument. Video essays are often thesis-driven and can be used to educate, persuade, or analyze a topic. They can cover a wide range of subjects, including politics, music, film, and pop culture. Their appeal lies in their versatility — you can find a snappy 10-minute analysis or a five-hour deep dive into every single episode of Glee there is (yes, that’s a real thing).

With platforms like YouTube and the convenience of smartphones, video essays are now the go-to method for consuming content that’s both informative and entertaining. They allow viewers to absorb significant amounts of knowledge while barely lifting a finger — perfect for multitasking. The rise of the video essay is proof that, in a world flooded with quick content, people still crave thoughtful, nuanced perspectives.

With YouTube leading the charge and TikTok recently expanding its video length to 10 minutes, video essays are no longer confined to a single platform. In fact, TikTok creators have started turning this snack-sized app into a space for long-form, thought-provoking content, creating room for more nuanced discussions in an era obsessed with brevity. It’s a reminder that while we may be the generation of rapid scrolling, we still know how to pause and dig deeper — especially when it’s done in a way that feels relevant and engaging. Video essays blend entertainment with education, making them perfect for multitasking throughout the day, background noise while eating, or taking a study break.

Gen-Z and the Return to Long-Form Content

Gen Z is often said to have a short attention span lasting around 8 seconds. This is attributed to their constant exposure to digital content and multiple screens, and growing up in an era of instant gratification.

So, what has brought the goldfish generation back to long-form content?

The answer lies in the quest for authenticity. With social media platforms oversaturated with influencers, creators, and content, Gen Z is searching for substance amid the noise. The appeal of video essays lies in their ability to go beyond superficial trends, offering depth and nuance in a sea of bite-sized clips. Platforms like YouTube and TikTok have given creators accessible, high-quality tools to produce content, making it easier than ever to craft thoughtful narratives. Creators who spend hours researching, filming, and editing their video essays demonstrate a level of commitment and authenticity that resonates with viewers looking for more than a quick dopamine hit. In an era where anyone can become an influencer overnight, those who engage deeply with their topics stand out.

Video essays prove that, despite our fast-paced digital environment, Gen Z still craves intellectual engagement and long-form content that offers more than surface-level entertainment. These essays invite viewers to pause, reflect, and dive into topics that challenge their understanding of the world around them. It’s a return to thoughtful media consumption, reflecting the complexity of the generation itself — multifaceted, curious, and always seeking more (go us!)

A Girliepop’s Guide to Video Essayists

Now, there are a million and one video essay creators out there (including myself, one day). To get you started on your journey into long content-dom, here’s a list of my favorite video essay creators online:

Shanspeare’s no shakespeare. But they’re just as dramatic.

Shanspeare (they/them) is a North Carolina-based creator who discusses all things pop culture and academia within their videos from a more nuanced lens. They are dedicated to redefining a new wave of learning, one video at a time.

Nicole Rafiee
Nicole (she/her) is the internet personality behind the now-infamous “chronically online girl explains ____” series on YouTube. In these videos, she breaks down all the latest internet drama into reasonable bite-sized information dumps that just make sense to the average netizen who wants to stay in the loop without the chaos.

Salem Tovar
I make funny commentary video essays on anything I want to talk about. From commentary on TikTok trends to rants & deep talks about pop culture & life. 

Salem (she/her) is a content creator who just enjoys keeping it real with her audience when it comes to the internet and elsewhere. Think of her like that one friend you can always have on Facetime while you do other work.

In a generation built for speed, we’re finding that sometimes, slowing down with a good video essay is the real power move. So grab a snack, sit back, and enjoy the ride, the video essay rabbit hole awaits!

Ciara Anderson is a writer and content creator for Her Campus at Texas A&M, where she brings the latest in pop culture and entertainment to life. As part of the social media committee, she curates fun and engaging content across Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok. If you're looking for fresh insights on what’s happening in motorsports, movies, or music, she's the one to follow! She also covers niche internet communities and nostalgia-driven cultural movements, bringing a personal and analytical touch to everything she writes. Outside of Her Campus, Ciara is pursuing a degree in Telecommunication Media Studies with a minor in Performance Studies at Texas A&M. She’s involved in multiple campus roles—mentoring students as part of Texas A&M’s Learning Communities, representing Piada Italian Street Food and Pentel as a student ambassador, serving as an RA and proud member of Lambda Pi Eta Communication Honors Society, and conducting research as a fellow in the Aggie Research Scholars program. On top of that, she’s a DJ for KANM Student Radio, where she hosts The Cerulean Hour every Friday at 6 PM, spinning tales and tunes to help listeners unwind at the end of the week. When she’s not busy with her many roles, you’ll likely find Ciara digging through vinyl at a record shop or discovering treasures at a thrift store. A lover of all things physical media, she collects vinyl records, books, and DVDs in her spare time. Recently, she’s become a passionate Formula 1 fan and is always ready to dive into a conversation about the latest races or drivers. Whether she's creating content, discovering new music, or diving into the world of racing, Ciara brings her passion for storytelling and creativity to everything she does.