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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SUBR chapter.

Having a few problems with a roommate?

In life, we tend to experience things that can show us new aspects of ourselves. Particularly, for college students that something, or need I say “someone”, would be having a roommate. If your new to college life, entering the phase of having a roommate could be extremely uncomfortable. It’s a lot of rules, regulations, & it is no longer just you anymore. However, if you are used to having a roommate, then you know it’s a lot of rules & regulations, but it is exciting & challenging. You also know that whether you like or dislike your roommate you all must find a common ground. Nobody likes to find common ground simply because we are selfish and do not like to compromise. Let me be the one to say compromising is especially important when it comes to sharing a space with someone. You may not know yet but do not worry or overthink the process! Here are 4 simple tips that will guide you through living with a roommate & creating a harmonious living environment.

Tips for compromising with your roommate: 

  1. Communication is key 

Open and honest communication goes a long way. It is the key to resolving conflicts and getting to know each other better. Do not just talk to complain about things you dislike but get to know each other as well. Learn each other’s schedules, habits, and exchange information to stay in touch with each other. Understanding who your roommate is helps to build better relationships & learn other. It is easier talk to someone you know them rather than talking to a stranger. This way makes it easier to communicate through issues, share your thoughts and feelings, and avoid talking behind each other back. 

  1. Set boundaries / Be respectful

Establish clear boundaries and expectations from the beginning. You must be vocal about your likes and dislikes. Do not be scared to voice your opinion, this will help your roommate get a better understanding of your feelings. You must also be respectful of your roommates wants & needs. You are to treat your roommates how you would want to be treated.  Understand that checking in will not hurt. Be considerate & ask your roommate if your music is too loud or let them know of your having company over. Going the extra mile to ask shows your roommate that you care about their feelings. 

  1. Cleanliness 

Nobody likes a dirty environment! An effortless way to get on bad terms with your roommate is not cleaning up your mess. We must clean up after ourselves. Living with someone can become crowded, which means it is easier for things to become messy very quickly. Take time to wash your dish when you dirty it, clean the shower after you are through, replace toilet tissue, or even sweep the floor. These basic principles are a fantastic way to keep you & your roommate’s space clean. If you must, talk with your roommate and create a cleaning schedule so that you can be on one accord. 

  1. Have Fun 

Don’t get so caught up in setting boundaries that you forget to have fun. College is about making friends & enjoying yourself. Take some time to Plan activities and hangout to build a stronger bond. Go to the dining hall together for meals, attend college sporting events, and watch movies at night. It is so much to do on a college campus. While you are enjoying your college experience, find time to mingle with your roommate and have an exciting time. 

The most important rule is to be yourself & enjoy college. Always put your best foot forward and keep your head up. Do not allow your emotions to ruin something that could be a peaceful experience. If there becomes any major conflict that you feel cannot be resolved, go to your residential advisor, and allow them to assist you. Always remain patient & calm. Remember to create room for open and honest discussions and opinions. Allow your space to be a safe place and not a circus. 

I am Tianni Good. I currently serve as the secretary for Her campus . I am an undergraduate student at Southern University A&M college earning her bachelor’s in Business management in marketing. I have lived in Baton Rouge ,La for the past 3 months. When I am not serving at church and being active in my women’s ministry, I am writing / recordings music and running a successful business in the cosmetology industry .