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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

In America, we get so caught up in music that we hear everyday on the radio or online. Music here is decently versatile, but we forget to look outside of the scope of American music. Hispanic music is overlooked by people in America. Words do not have to be understood in order to enjoy the song. Music is a universal language. It is human nature to feel emotions through music, even if the words aren’t clear. As someone who loves to connect to all types of music, here is a list of my top five very favorite Hispanic songs. 

5) “I Could Fall In Love” by Selena 

This song is mostly in english, but was written and sung by one of the most famous Hispanic singers of all time Selena Quintanilla. If you haven’t heard of Selena, you are about to get acclimated because most songs on this list are sung by her. Selena came from unfortunate backgrounds but became one of the most renowned Hispanic singers. “I Could Fall In Love” is a lyrical piece where Selena is pleading for a man to not break her heart and to let her fall in love with him. I could seriously listen to this song over and over. In the middle of the song, Selena whispers some words in Spanish. She is telling him that she is always dreaming about him and yearns to have him near her. This is an amazing song to just close your eyes and enjoy the music. I highly suggest putting in your headphones, turning the volume up, and letting yourself fall into the music. 

4) “Rara Vez” by Taiu and Milo J

This song is so fun and catchy. It is about a man who finds his peace and happiness from a woman. It’s a love song, but it doesn’t sound like your typical love song. It is very upbeat and fun to listen to. If you know basic Spanish, it’s pretty easy to understand the general meaning of the song while listening to it. This song is great to listen to in the car with your windows down. It is so universally enjoyable. 

3) “Bidi Bidi Bom Bom” by Selena 

This song is one of the most upbeat songs that I have ever heard. I will not lie, I do not know much about what she is saying while I listen to that song, but I definitely know it is about dancing. The song is meant to get you up out of your seat and dancing around. The title, “Bidi Bidi Bom Bom”, which is repeated throughout the song, is meant to replicate the sound of the heart beating. Selena sang this song with such energy. This song is like a charger for me. If I’m low on energy, this song will get me going again. 

2) “Una Vez Mas” by Ximena Sariñana

This song is a slow love song about a girl who just wants to spend time in love with someone just one more time. My favorite part of this song is the guitar. It is so calming and beautiful. The meaning behind this song is amazing, but the music itself is just absolutely incredible. You get the sense that she is longing for someone just by the way her voice sounds and the guitar is playing. I heard this song first in my Spanish class in my sophomore year of high school and it’s been on my playlist ever since. I highly recommend listening to this song when you’re just lounging around and relaxing.

1) “Dreaming of You” by Selena 

Yes, I know this song is in English, but it’s sung by Selena, and it is way to beautiful to not be at the number one spot. This song hits your heart. If you’ve ever wanted someone that you couldn’t have, this song is going to hit you right where it hurts. The piano creates a feeling of heartbreak. Even if you’ve never experienced heart break before, this song will make you feel those emotions (in a positive way). Please listen to this song. I cannot stress enough how much I love it. 

Now that I’ve given you a list of Hispanic songs that I love, go diversify your playlist! You can listen to another culture without leaving the comfort of your room. Enjoy!! 

Courtney Cianflone is a new member of the Her Campus at St.Bonaventure University. She is ready and excited to write articles about women in pop-culture, positions of leadership, and in male dominated fields of work. Women's empowerment has always been something that she held close to her heart. Courtney has always been an advocate for women, especially those who do not always have the confidence to speak up on their own. Courtney is a new freshman studying marketing at St.Bonaventure University and has wanted to join Her Campus the moment she learned about it. Outside of Her Campus, she has been accepted into the Chamber Singers, a select choir on campus. In addition, she is planning on joining a group on campus that visits the local SPCA to volunteer to help with the upkeep of the facility and taking care of the animals there. Outside of campus, Courtney enjoys playing guitar and singing. Music has always been a big part of her life. She also loves spending quality time with friends and family. She really enjoys writing and reading, so Her Campus is the perfect fit for her! Not only is she excited to start college, but she is excited to get involved with the sisterhood that is brought together in Her Campus.