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Diapers and Degrees: A guide to navigating motherhood and college

Updated Published
The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTSA chapter.

College and motherhood are two complex worlds, both requiring great attention and care. When these two worlds collide there is potential to be both overwhelmed and lost. Through these journeys there are various strategies that help combat the challenges mothers face while getting their education.

Priorities and time management

Time management is essential not only as a college student, but as a mom. Not only is college time consuming but ensuring your child’s needs are met while maintaining bonding time is essential. In juggling this it is necessary to set clear priorities for yourself. Designate time throughout your day to spend quality time with your baby, use their naps to accomplish an essay and feed them while watching a lecture! Time management skills include using time blocks, and setting certain times for specific tasks. Establishing routines allows for our priorities to all be addressed in a day. The use of digital planners is a great tool to make sure nothing slips through the cracks. Creating a visual to doctors appointments, play dates, and assignments is sure to keep your two worlds in check.

SEEk Support

Being a student mom requires emotional breaks like every other woman who is only titled student and only titled mom. Because these two titles together can make our plates seem daunting it is essential to seek support, from venting, to having childcare when needed. Building a support system will help balance uncertainty and keep your mental sharp to show up as the best version of yourself. In doing this surround yourself with other student parents like yourself, being around others in a similar position to you creates reassurance, tips, and reminds you that you are not alone! It truly does take a village to raise your children. Counseling and therapy are a great outlet to release any negative and stressful energy. Never be afraid to ask for help!

Be okay with change 

Not everything goes to plan, motherhood comes with the need to be flexible. Almost rarely it seems do things go to plan. Stress and change in schedules are inevitable. But managing the emotions that come with the two is essential to stay grounded and confident when things don’t go as planned. A great way to combat changes is to be prepared, as a mom have extra clothes, food, toys, and more for when things take longer than usual. Keeping extra items in the car will reduce the stress that comes with change. Paired with this being a step ahead on assignments when possible reduces stress surrounding deadlines and allows for wiggle room when there is a situation arise. It is okay to change your plans for your mental health. At times accepting that you don’t have the energy to do a task is okay, as parents the health of our children and ourselves are top priorities.

Create realistic Goals- it’s okay to slow down

Remember, not every mom and student is one in the same. It is okay to readjust your course load, it’s okay to fail, it is okay to not get an A on that exam. Like motherhood, college is not a linear journey. What is important is that you get back up, dust off, and work toward a goal that is realistic for you. Quality mother and baby time is more important than the amount of time you are with that child. Quality work is more important than overloading with courses and barley making it. Not everyone is a fast learner or adapts to being a mom at the same speed at that is okay, setting goals that best fir your lifestyle and avoiding comparing yourself to others is sure to elevate your experiences.

Utilize resources on your campus 

Take advantage  of all that your school has to offer, tutoring, health checkups, counseling appointments, food pantries, meditation rooms, recreation centers and depending on the university childcare. Many do not realize, but most universities have many resources available for students that can greatly benefit from. Reach out to your community to locate these tools that will benefit your student life and in turn motherhood. Many educators are understanding of student mothers and recognize that you are balancing two weighted worlds. Creating relationships with those at school allows you to not only feel alone but softens the rough edges that comes with education.

Self Care

Through this balance game it is important to practice self care. Maintaining our well being is essential for showing up as the best mom and student that we can be. For our little ones especially we must make sure we care mentally and physically well. This can look like reading or meditating for 30 minutes at night, a face mask with a bath, or even taking a drive and eating your favorite meal in silence. Do what it takes to ground yourself for your well being, and remember through both of these titles you are not just a mom or student you are YOU!

There is no doubt that juggling motherhood and college is challenging.  With the proper support and maintenance these two journeys can be so rewarding. Navigating motherhood with your nose in a textbook will come easier with proper time management, seeking support, being okay with change, creating realistic goals, utilizing resources on your campus, and practicing self care. In time all of your highs and lows will pay off, in the meantime, savor this journey for all that it is. You got this mama!

Hi! My name is Hannah. I am a Senior at the University of Texas at San Antonio. I was born and raised here in San Antonio, graduated high school in 2020 and earned my associates degree in Business Administration from Northwest Vista College in 2022. I am a communications major with a concentration in public relations. On top of being a full time student I am a service coordinator for an IT company. Despite being a public relations major, since starting this job in the IT field, technology has become a serious interest of mine. I look forward to starting a career in both of these worlds. Outside of my education and job I am a mother of one sweet baby girl. In my free time I enjoy crafting, adventure, reading romance and mystery novels, and I love to travel. One of my biggest goals is to visit all fifty states and take my first international trip. I am very family oriented and love to spend time doing things I enjoy with my family and now my own little family. ​I am big on experiences over things and love to try new things. I believe through the craziness in life it is essential to reach beyond what we know, not only survive, but live our lives to the fullest!