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Why Every Girl Needs To Watch ‘Sex And The City’

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

There are some things that are a rite of passage in any woman’s life. Whether that be your first charm bracelet, the very first time wearing makeup in all of its messy, caked glory, or purchasing your prom dress that makes you cringe in hindsight, it is also Sex and the City. Sex and the City is more than just a show about four friends who sip Cosmopolitans and venture on the streets on Manhattan – it’s a testament to womanhood and all of its pure, unapologetic messiness. 

The series follows four women – Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda, and Samantha – who navigate friendship, romance, and their careers. Each girl who watches the show can identify with a leading lady (I’m personally a Carrie and Charlotte mix BTW) and with each rewatch, you can relate to a different character, plot, or even have a shift in perspective over time. If there’s one thing any girl should do, it’s watch Sex and the City.

Sex and the City emphasizes the importance of strong, female friendships. When navigating the hardships of life, it’s best to do it with your girlfriends by your side. After watching the series, I had a newfound appreciation of the important women in my life: my high school friends who have been by my side through every messy breakup and bad grade and my college friends who made school a home away from home, and are the reason why I never have to go anywhere alone. Without these women, I wouldn’t be who I am today, and I wouldn’t want to live in a world where they aren’t by my side.

The women of Sex and The City have their fair share of relationships (and situationships, before they were even a thing). After watching Sex and the City, I couldn’t help but wonder, shouldn’t dating be fun? It feels as though every girl around me is constantly checking her phone, waiting for a text from some generic guy. After all, when did emotional turmoil become the expectation for romance? What happened to butterflies? Sex and the City navigates the complexity of finding “the one” and details struggles every woman has experienced in dating. Every time I experience a hiccup in my dating life, an episode of Sex and the City instantly makes me feel less alone.

As a writer, Sex and the City resonates very heavily with me. Every time I sit with my laptop to write an article, I feel like Carrie “I have a deadline” Bradshaw. Watching Sex and the City made me feel empowered to write what inspires me, knowing that my words will find someone somewhere, and that feeling is one I wouldn’t trade for the world. Whether you’re an art-loving girl like Charlotte, a determined lawyer like Miranda, a strong woman in PR like Samantha, or a passionate writer like Carrie, it’s impossible to not resonate with a woman of the show – and that is what makes it so powerful. 

Sex and the City is a reminder that it is impossible to navigate the hardships of your life without supportive women by your side. Grab a Carrie cupcake from Magnolia Bakery, your favorite cozy blanket, and get to watching! You won’t regret it.

Amanda Brown is a current national writer for Her Campus, focusing largely on the Entertainment & Culture vertical. She was formerly the Summer 2024 Entertainment & Culture intern, writing about all things pop culture! Beyond Her Campus, Amanda is a sophomore Writing and Rhetoric major with an Honors Interdisciplinary Studies minor at James Madison University. Amanda is the Founder/President/Editorial Director of JMU's Spoon University chapter and the Junior Social Media Manager of JMU's Her Campus chapter. She is also a member of Gamma Phi Beta. In her free time, Amanda loves binge-watching reality TV (especially while drinking iced lattes) and going on long walks (ideally using it as a yap session or listening to music). Amanda loves reading romance novels while listening to Taylor Swift and Gracie Abrams.