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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Berkeley chapter.

As a current sophomore in college, I often look back to my freshman year with both gratitude and regret. I’m grateful I had the full freshman experience (the good and the bad), but there are definitely some things I wish I handled differently, like my academics. I often didn’t have the motivation to attend lectures or discussions, which later reflected in my study habits.

I’m constantly searching for a source of motivation when it comes to studying, but the truth is, sometimes motivation isn’t enough. At some point, I found that motivation couldn’t even get me out of bed. So, when motivation stops working for you, try discipline instead!  

I’ve thought about every single reason I should feel motivated to study. Like I said before, even getting out of bed for my 9 a.m. lecture was tough.

Freshman year taught me that motivation is temporary, but discipline doesn’t have to be. The reasons why I’m motivated to get out of bed, attend classes, and study diligently are often changing. Discipline, on the other hand, is more consistent because it keeps me and my work ethic on track. 

Whenever I’m feeling lazy or numb to school-related consequences, I’ve learned to adopt a mindset of wanting to “get it out of the way.” Discipline is all about training yourself to get the work done whether you’re feeling up to it or not. Moreover, I think discipline and motivation are intertwined in some ways. Where there’s discipline, there’s desire!

Overall, I think it’s important to acknowledge that motivation is something to wait around for, whereas discipline comes from our own effort. It can take real commitment to build up that discipline, but practice makes perfect. So, whenever you’re at your desk feeling like you’d rather be anywhere else, remember that the discipline you’re building will pay off in the long run, even if it doesn’t always feel that way in the moment.

Phenelope Pasco

UC Berkeley '27

Phenelope is currently a freshman attending UC Berkeley, majoring in Media Studies and intends to double major in Business. She is currently a digital editor for the Berkeley department. Phenelope has experience in journalism and design for school newspapers. She previously worked as Editor-in-Chief for her high school newspaper and oversaw the whole publishing process. She mainly loves writing and reading food reviews. She is still exploring her options in regard to what career fields she may enter after graduating. With both of her majors, she hopes her future job will involve a blend of the two. Besides writing, Phenelope pours her love into her hobbies such as baking, reading, and cafe hopping. She also always has her handy digital camera with her and loves to capture moments of her family and friends.