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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LUM chapter.

As the school year begins to really kick off, it’s important to remember to keep up with the same level of self-care that you practiced this summer. I know for me, it’s important to have at least one day a week where I really take care of myself, as well as my space around me. You don’t necessarily need to do a ‘Sunday reset’, in fact, every day of the week can be a self-care day if you let it be. Here are some of my tips and tricks for keeping myself grounded as the school year gets more and more hectic.  

Step 1: Make your bed 

I know it may seem trivial and I might sound a bit like a nagging mom, but truly nothing makes my space and mind feel clearer than having a made bed. It allows your direct living space to feel more organized and put together, plus, it discourages you from getting back into bed in the middle of the day! 

Step 2: Do skincare and some light makeup 

Something that always makes me feel at peace and most relaxed in my own skin is taking the time to really take care of my appearance. It may sound silly, but I find myself being the most productive when I feel good about myself. A little skincare and some light makeup can make the difference between rotting in bed, and feeling your best, most energized self. And if you aren’t a big makeup girl, you can always just do some skincare, curl your eyelashes, and don’t forget to put on sunscreen

Step 3: Clean your space 

After making my bed, my next step on reset day is always tidying up my desk, vacuuming, and cleaning down all surfaces. Getting the week’s trash and makeup stains off my desk allows me to focus better on my schoolwork and really streamline my work. I always vacuum at least once a week, both my bedroom, as well as the living space, which makes me feel so much more productive, as there is always such a stark visual contrast of the carpet after it’s been cleaned. It’s also helpful for yourself and your roommates to clean your bathroom, as well as your kitchen, at least once a week, to make sure your living space is fully clean and operational every day. There’s nothing worse than coming home from a long day of classes, just to find dishes piled up to the ceiling. It’s always better to clean everything in one go; as Issac Newton said, “objects in motion stay in motion”, which means once you get started on your cleaning, it’s better to keep going than to take a break! 

Step 4: Eat! 

It’s important not only to nourish your mind, but to nourish your body as well! With so much of social media revolving around appearances, it’s crucial to remember that almost nothing you see on the internet is real. Always listen to your body and sustain it with nutrients that keep your energy up! My go-to meals on my reset day usually include; a strawberry banana smoothie, buttered toast with little bite muffins, pan fried wontons or grilled cheese for lunch, and some form of pasta for dinner. Drink a ton of water too, not only is it good for your skin, but keeping yourself hydrated is the best way to stay productive and energized! 

Step 5: Listen to some music and do something that makes you smile 

Put in your earbuds, take a walk, read a book, scroll on Tiktok; if it makes you happy, do it! Who cares if it’s not productive or important, take just one hour out of your day to really take a brain break. My vice when it comes to this step is watching Dance Moms and eating trail mix, but only picking out the M & M’s and chocolate chips. It helps me to feel more relaxed and comfortable in my space, and it brings me immense joy! Shutting off the world and doing something that brings you joy for even just one hour a day is the best way to stay productive and keep you feeling sane! Remember to focus on yourself; your body, your mind, and your spirit. That is how you do a real reset day.  

Colleen Minnaugh is a sophomore at Loyola University Maryland. She is originally from Atlanta GA, and is a writing major with an English minor. Writing and reading have been a huge part of her life since middle school; from AP Literature, to dramatic writing class, she has always known that writing would be a huge part of her life. Colleen has been working at her local, all female owned and operated bookstore since she was fifteen years old, leading her to be exposed to many different kinds of writing styles and genres, but she quickly discovered that classic literature holds a very special place in her heart. From the stories told by the likes of Charlotte Bronte, Franz Kafka, to even the occasional contemporary author such as Sylvia Plath, Colleen is absolutely captivated by the beloved classics. Colleen will mainly aim to write opinion based pieces on current events, pop culture, politics, book reviews, movie recommendations, and so much more! She will publish an article about every two weeks, and she hopes that you enjoy them each time!