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How Journaling Helped Me as an FSU Transfer Student

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

The process of transferring from one college to another can be very chaotic. Everything is happening quickly, and you wish for things to slow down. From selecting the right school to organizing the perfect schedule and adapting to a new environment, the transfer process can feel overwhelming!

While preparing for this new and unfamiliar territory, I quickly realized time was a crucial concept. In high school, your schedule is made for you, with blocks for lunch and time to walk to your next class. In college, you must figure that out all on your own. I struggled to ensure I had time for academics, activities, work, family, friends, and even myself.

One day, I was browsing through the aisles of Barnes & Noble when I came across a section with small journals. I decided to pick one up, not knowing what to use it for. When I got home, I began to write down everything that was happening in my life. I just let out all my thoughts and feelings.

Feeling lost and uncertain about the path I wanted to take in life, I turned to writing as a way to express my thoughts and emotions. Placing my feelings onto a physical paper allowed me to clear my head, set realistic goals, and explore my deepest passions. I also documented all the tasks I needed to accomplish and my hopes for my future career.

Journaling was right by my side as I navigated securing parking, cozy study spots, new friends, and class schedules. Learning the ins and outs of FSU seemed like a lot until I began writing everything down. I was prepared to tackle all the obstacles of being in a new environment and it was all worth it.

My time at FSU since the summer of 2024 has been exciting and full of opportunities! I am truly grateful for this journey and my journal, which has been my rock through it all.

Journaling helped me to stay organized and in control of my time. I found it beneficial to write down my thoughts since it helped me focus on self-care and maintaining my mental well-being.

Pacing myself helped me take things day by day and work towards my goals. I also learned that sometimes I just needed to write for myself and not for others. I felt like a weight was lifted from my shoulders when I started journaling.

Reflecting on my first journal entries compared to my latest ones evokes a wave of emotions in me. My journal serves as a testament to my growth and progress while attending FSU. This gave me the motivation to make the best of my college experience and keep a positive mindset!

Journaling has been my lifesaver in college. When I don’t know how to express something or I just need to write out my schedule for the week, journaling comes to the rescue!

The transition from one college to another is intimidating, but getting in the habit of journaling can facilitate an easier transfer process. Keeping a journal has become a necessity for my college experience!

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Jonae Powell is a staff writer at Her Campus FSU, majoring in English (Editing, Writing, and Media) with a minor in psychology. In her free time, she enjoys writing poetry, attending concerts, nature walks, and reading books!