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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

That time of the year is officially here! I don’t know about you, but my bank account becomes non-existent when fall rolls around because those fall drinks can be expensive (if you’re buying one every day). That’s why I wanted to compile a list of my top 5 fall coffee drinks that can be easy and maybe even better to make at home, saving you the trip.

Pumpkin Spiced Latte

Starting with a classic, this one has become a staple of the season and tastes so good too. All the ingredients you would need are espresso/coffee, milk, pumpkin flavor, sweetener, and vanilla extract. First you choose your mug of choice, heat up what milk and mix the pumpkin flavor, vanilla, and coffee together. Froth the milk so it becomes foamy on top and now you have your very own PSL!

Pumpkin Spice Latte
Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew

If you’re more of an iced coffee girl, don’t worry I am too, I remember falling in love with the Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew when it first arrived. For this one, it’s pretty similar to the PSL except it’s chilled. All you would need is Pumpkin Puree, heavy cream, milk, vanilla extract, pumpkin pie spice and condensed milk. Add the cream, puree, vanilla and milk together and whisk it until it foams up. Add your cold brew of choice with ice and vanilla and you got yourself your very own Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew.

Barrista Chic's Specialty - The Coffee Egg Cream
Toasty Marshmallow Cold Brew

Fall always calls for roasting marshmallows and a toasted marshmallow cold brew sounds amazing at this time. For this all you would need is cold brew, toasted marshmallow syrup, milk, whipped cream and marshmallows to top the drink off. Pretty simple by adding everything together, and calling for a delicious drink!

Witch of Westview’s Cold Brew @ Pym Test Kitchen
Chai latte

This drink is so warm and comforting, definitely one of the first to come to mind when I think of fall. In order to make this one you would need milk, black tea, ground spices like cinnamon, ginger, or nutmeg and your sweetener of choice. Start by heating the milk and steep the tea, then add your spices and top your drink off!

Chai Latte
apple cider

This one doesn’t have any coffee in it but I just had to include it because how could you not crave apple cider during the fall. This one is the most simple of them all since all you’d really need is your apple cider of choice, which you can get at any grocery store and heat it to perfection. To get a little fancy you can always top it off with cinnamon or any other spice for some extra flavor!

Still Life with Apple Cider

I cannot wait to try these out! Especially when the weather cools to a nice 60-70 degrees. Happy almost fall!

Julia is an Entertainment & Media Studies major. She enjoys all types of music (except country), anything with pesto sauce, and sitcoms. In her free time she loves exploring new places with friends, cooking, and watching movies.