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Life > Experiences


The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Berkeley chapter.

In honor of Charli XCX and Lorde’s, “Girl, so Confusing” becoming a hit because of its relatability to the complexities of female friendships, I started to compare the different emotions one feels when going through breakups. Even though breakups are sucky, I feel like there’s a different wave of feelings one experiences when going through a friendship breakup. However, they’ve also opened so many new doors for me to experience new amazing friendships

Let’s face it, breakups are tricky. There’s no correct way to experience or feel after a breakup. I say this as someone who’s not only experienced these feelings but has also been on the other side of the coin when it comes to uplifting my friends after heartbreak. After all, it’s what good friends do.

While these moments can leave me teary-eyed and blasting different songs to cope with the pain, they don’t compare to the pain a friendship breakup can cause. It can be extremely difficult to deal with the harsh realization that the girl you thought would be one of your bridesmaids is no longer a part of your life.

Happy Fun Laughing Girls
Cassie Howard / Her Campus

It can be even harder to recognize that the risk of losing a friend is as likely to happen as a standard breakup. I oftentimes have the idea that once I consider someone my sister, they’ll always remain a part of my life. However, that’s not the reality.

Navigating my emotions throughout my latest friendship split was difficult, but I’m actually extremely grateful for this. It encouraged me to branch out during my first year of college, meet amazing people from all backgrounds, and find a new amazing support group that would get me through the stress of college. I also became closer than ever with friends from back home after they heard the news.

Even if it sounds cheesy, my situation definitely had a light at the end of the tunnel. The number of friends I have has never been higher, and I feel confident in the fact that I not only have amazing people all around me but that I also continue to provide the same love and support for all of them whenever it’s needed. 

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Karen Magana

UC Berkeley '27

Karen is a second year at UC Berkeley majoring in Legal Studies and Political Science. She is currently a staff writer for the Berkeley chapter and enjoys writing about different topics that come to mind depending on her days. After graduating, she intends to apply to Law School and eventually work as a Corporate Attorney in the future. Besides academics, Karen enjoys to do hot yoga, take pictures of her pets, go shopping for new clothes & makeup, as well as catch up with friends whenever there is time.