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5 Habits to Add to Your College Morning Routine

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mt Holyoke chapter.

When I started my first semester of college a few weeks ago, I felt super overwhelmed and out of my typical routine that gave structure to my life at home. Moving across the country to start a new life in a new place is far from easy, but I’ve found that creating a routine each day full of simple, healthy habits has allowed me to feel in control and at ease as I navigate this new experience. Creating a simple routine that I know will take minimal effort each morning makes such a difference in my life, so I’d love to share some of these habits with you! 

#1: Starting the Day Offline

We all know how much our phones can impact our mental health, and I’ve always noticed that the time I spend scrolling can affect my mood. I used to start each day by reaching for my phone, scrolling on social media for as long as time allowed, and then having to force myself to find the motivation to finally start the day. It’s safe to say that once I stopped starting my day this way, I felt so much better, and was full of the motivation I needed to complete my homework and focus in class. Making the simple choice to wait, even just 10-15 minutes before reaching for your phone, can make the world of a difference, allowing you to approach your day with a clear headspace, and have the energy you need to tackle your daily tasks! 

#2: Practicing Gratitude

There are so many amazing parts of the college experience, but it can be easy to let these good moments pass without appreciating them. Gratitude is something that allows me to remember how lucky I am, even in times of struggle, and helps me to train my brain to look for the many blessings that I have in my life. I’ve tried lots of different gratitude journals that are out there (Amazon has some great ones), but I like to make this practice as simple as possible for myself. In the time that I wake up, make my bed, and walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth in the morning, I intentionally think about all of the things I feel grateful for. Most of the time, these are things I would otherwise take for granted, like a good night of sleep, my comfortable bed (shoutout to my mattress topper), my good health, or the amazing friends I’ve made while at Mount Holyoke so far. Beginning my morning in this way helps me train my brain to look for things to be grateful for throughout the day, and puts me in the best mood! Plus, the people around you can’t even tell that you’re doing it–such a win if you ask me :)

#3: Journaling

I absolutely love journaling, whether it be writing down my free-flowing thoughts, or following different prompts or structures. Since I’ve started college, I spend about 3-5 minutes journaling per day, and follow the same prompt each morning. I start by writing down my intention or main goal for the day, which gives me a stronger sense of purpose and motivation–very much needed at times. Then, I write down a couple of things that I’m grateful for, followed by something I’m currently struggling with or am feeling challenged by in my life. I find that this helps me to validate whatever emotions I might be feeling at the moment, which is super important! Finally, as a big believer in manifestation and the law of attraction, I like to write down something that I’m currently manifesting, and I make sure to write it in the present tense, as if it were something I already have in my life. This whole process takes about 5 minutes max, and I find that it helps me to feel motivated to take on the day ahead. Whatever type of journaling you feel would benefit you the most in the mornings is the perfect choice!

#4: Making Time for Breakfast

Fueling your body before a long day of classes and studying is SUPER important. Carving out time to walk over to the dining hall before my first class allows me to feel super energized and awake, and the pastries in Blanch are pretty life-changing. I also like to make a cup of warm green tea with honey to give myself an extra boost of energy to start the day, although I will have an occasional Celsius if I don’t get a good night’s sleep the night before. Even if it’s just grabbing a protein bar from your dorm on your walk to class, giving your body the energy it needs to learn and retain information is always a great decision. 

#5: Spend Some Time Outside

Thankfully, living on campus makes it pretty easy to get your steps in in the morning, since you’ll probably have to walk over to your first class from your dorm. I LOVE getting to walk past the lake in the morning and walking up the staircase surrounded by flowers definitely boosts my energy and my mood I have yet to take a morning walk before class, but am super excited for my Walking for Fitness class later on in the semester. Getting fresh air as you begin your busy day can be super peaceful, even if it’s just for a short time! 

By practicing each of these habits, you can start your day with purpose and intention, and will feel prepared to take on the many tasks that may come your way. These practices are simple, don’t take a long time, and will leave you in a good mood and full of energy. College can feel hectic and overwhelming, but putting in just a little bit of effort to set yourself up for a good day will make such a difference! 

Mia Lederer

Mt Holyoke '28

Mia is a first year at Mount Holyoke College from Sacramento, CA. She is passionate about personal growth and mental health support, and plans on majoring in Psychology. In her free time, she loves participating in musical theater, going for long walks, and spending time with her favorite people.