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Short ‘n’ Sweet: The Ultimate Soundtrack for College Situationships

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

College is the time when relationships are messy, fun, confusing and sometimes heartbreaking. From crushing hard on someone you see every day on campus, to being stuck in a situationship unsure of where you stand, to dealing with the aftermath of a brutal breakup — we’ve all been there. Sabrina Carpenter’s latest album Short ‘n’ Sweet is currently the ultimate soundtrack for navigating every stage of your college romance. Whether you’re head-over-heels, feeling lost or trying to piece your heart back together, there’s a song on this album that perfectly captures the rollercoaster of emotions we all go through. 

In this article, I’ve broken down some of the album’s tracks to best match the different types of relationships you might find yourself in during your college years, whether you’re feeling the butterflies of a crush or dealing with heartbreak, so grab your headphones and let’s dive into the songs that will get you through it all.

Stage One: Crushing 

First, let’s talk about the exhilarating feeling of having a crush! You know, that moment when you see someone really cute in class, at the gym or on a night out. “Bed Chem” perfectly captures this blissful first stage of liking someone, when things are all in your head, but you feel the potential. Its upbeat rhythm and playful lyrics give it a sexy vibe that makes it the perfect tune for daydreaming about your little crush. I mean…you’re literally just a girl. 

Now, let’s get into “Juno.” This song is perfect for when you’re at that stage of liking someone and want it to go further. It’s that sweet spot of being “delulu,” where the possibilities are endless! But then you hit the bridge, and it shifts. You can sense that deeper longing for a meaningful connection, and you can’t help but hope that they feel the same way too. It’s this perfect blend of fun and deeper emotions that makes “Juno” so relatable for anyone navigating those exciting, early stages of romance.

Stage Two: The Situationship

Let’s kick things off with “Slim Pickins,” the anthem for anyone who’s felt like the dating pool at UF is a bit…sparse. Sometimes, it seems like your options are either being hopelessly single or settling for someone who proves that the bar truly is in hell. The lyrics reflect the reality that sometimes you might settle for less than you deserve, especially when the good ones seem to be either taken or playing games. It’s great for those moments when you need validation and feel like complaining about your lack of options. As Sabrina asks, “What’s a girl to do?” You’re definitely not alone in feeling this way!

Next up is “Sharpest Tool,” which perfectly highlights the confusion of being in a situationship. This song encapsulates that horrible feeling of wondering if it was casual when someone’s intentions with you become unclear and communication with them is lacking. If you feel like you’re being breadcrumbed, gaslit, ghosted or trapped in the dreaded gray area of a situationship, this song is for you. The lyrics reflect that frustrating feeling of being left in the dark, where everything seemed fun at first but now has you second-guessing your feelings. It’s relatable and captures the anxiety of wanting answers while feeling completely stuck. You might feel hurt and confused, but since you’re not officially together, talking it out seems impossible. Situationships can hit the hardest, probably because of the uncertainty that comes with them. So, if you find yourself wondering, “What just happened to me?” give this track a listen to help you reflect on that two-month fling that somehow hurt for two years. 

Stage Three: Heartbreak and Moving On

“Lie to Girls” is a song that perfectly captures how often girls make excuses for people that we like. It shines a light on the not-so-glamorous side of being “delulu,” where you find yourself seeing the best in someone — even when they might not deserve it. The song’s lyrics remind us that you don’t have to lie to girls; if they like you, they’ll just lie to themselves. We’ve all been there, crafting wild stories to justify someone’s behavior when deep down, we know the truth: they just don’t care. This track is a relatable anthem for anyone who’s ever lost their mind over someone who wasn’t worth it, capturing that bittersweet realization that sometimes the stories we tell ourselves are more about holding on to hope than facing the reality. 

Finally, “Don’t Smile” is a heartbreak anthem that’s all about the bitter aftermath of a breakup. This song taps into that raw emotion of wanting your ex to feel as miserable as you do. You know that feeling when you want them to miss you every time they’re with someone else? That’s exactly what this song is about. It’s not the kind of heartbreak where you move on, but the kind where you want them to regret ever letting you go. The lyrics reflect the heavy weight on your heart, almost like it’s sinking, as you try to deal with the pain. It’s that perfect mix of wanting to cry because it’s over, but also wanting them to cry too. If you’ve ever gone through a breakup where you’re not ready to wish them well, “Don’t Smile” is the song you need to listen to when you’re in your feelings.

Hi! My name is Cristina Cafferky and I'm a sophomore at the University of Florida majoring in English and Criminology. I'm from Miami, Florida and am Irish and Spanish. I love to read and listen to music, as well as hang out with my friends.