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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

Now that the fall semester has officially begun, I am once again spending all my free time at the library getting work done. I’m not kidding – if I’m not at work or in class, you can find me in the library. Since I’m officially a junior in college (time flies!), I think I’ve finally discovered a strategy for focusing that helps me the best. So, here are the ways I’ve been ‘locking in’ and getting things done during the semester so far.

My first strategy is something I’ve already mentioned – I work in the library! Lasell’s Brennan Library is easily one of my favorite places on campus. It’s so cozy, and I love sitting at one of the tables near the big windows. I try to avoid working in my dorm as much as possible because it’s filled with distractions. I can try to sit at my desk but I just know I’ll end up in my bed scrolling TikTok or playing on my Nintendo Switch. Therefore, I get ahead of myself by working somewhere other than my room, no matter how comfortable my bed looks. I’ve found that it works wonders in terms of crossing items off my to-do list.

Next, I try to block out as much unwanted noise as possible. I’m already not a fan of excessive background noise, so I really don’t like it when I’m trying to be productive. I’ve found that a combination of my Loops earplugs and my SrhythmNC25 headphones work perfectly in terms of blocking out background noise. Trust me, I cannot hear a thing when I have both on. I’m also a big fan of listening to music while I work, so I’ll either listen to a Spotify playlist or one of those ambient focus ASMR videos on YouTube. My favorite plays the soundtracks from all 34 HeR Interactive Nancy Drew video games with rain noises. I’ve talked about my love for that video game franchise before, and now I use it to be productive. It’s almost seven hours long, and every soundtrack is just so comforting that I have no problem focusing on whatever I’m doing. The vibes are immaculate as well.

Finally, the strategy that I’ve been using the longest is making a to-do list. If you know me, you know I love making a good list. I use a free digital planner from Paperlike on my iPad that has daily spreads where I can write out my schedule and everything I need to accomplish that day. I also tend to break down my tasks so they seem more manageable. For example, instead of writing “Do readings for Ethics,” I list out which readings I need to do. There’s just something so satisfying about getting to cross an item off a to-do list for me. I’m also a visual person, so I like seeing my tasks listed right in front of me.

Olivia Post

Lasell '26

Olivia Post is the President of the Her Campus at Lasell chapter. She oversees all matters relating to the chapter, from editorial content to on-campus events. Beyond Her Campus, Olivia is a student ambassador and a member of the Leadership Team for the Blue Key Society at Lasell. She is also a Peer Tutor with the Lasell Academic Achievement Center. She is currently a junior at Lasell University, studying Secondary Education and English with a minor in Spanish. In her free time, Olivia enjoys reading, playing video games, and spending time with her friends. She can also be found working on her latest crochet project, or watching Bones with her roommate.