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Cracking the Spine: A Fun Five-Step Guide to Breaking into the Publishing Industry – Her Campus

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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCU chapter.

Breaking into the publishing industry can be a daunting task, but with the right approach, dedication, and a solid strategy, it is possible for you to make your mark! Whether you are interested in working with big publishing houses or helping indie authors get their stories in the hands of readers, getting a career in publishing will be a difficult but rewarding path. Here is how to get started. 

Understand the Different Publishing Departments

The publishing industry is huge, so it is very important to understand the different areas where you can start your career. Here are the main departments:

  • Editorial: This is the department that focuses on editing and getting books ready to be released. Editorial employees work with authors to revise their work and make sure the final product is smooth and publication ready. Editorial jobs can include proofreading, copy editing, and developmental editing.
  • Marketing and Publicity: Once a book is ready to be released, marketing and publicity teams work to generate buzz and excitement for the book. This includes creating campaigns, handling social media, and even organizing events like author tours and book signings.
  • Sales: Sales professionals are responsible for getting books into bookstores, online retailers, and any other stores that will carry them. 
  • Design and Production: This is the area where book covers are designed, page layouts are created, and typesetting is finalized. The design and production team covers everything that goes into the physical and digital print of the book. 
  • Rights and Permissions: Rights and permissions focuses on managing and negotiating international rights, subsidiary rights, and film/television adaptation rights. 
  • Literary Agents: Agents are the bridge between authors and publishers, helping writers sell their drafts and negotiate contracts. 

Understanding the different departments within the publishing industry will help you better see where your interests and skills would fit best.

Educational Background and Skills

While degrees in English, Writing, Journalism, and Communications are the most common to be working in the publishing industry, it is not always a strict requirement. What matters more are the skills that you can bring to the table and your passion for books. Some key skills that could give you a foot in the door are:

  • Strong Writing and Editing Abilities: Whether you are an editor or working in marketing, having great communication skills are essential. 
  • Attention to Detail: The publishing world wants perfection, especially in the proofreading and copyediting sectors. 
  • Networking: The ability to build relationships and be sociable is key in all areas of publishing.
  • Marketing and Social Media Knowledge: With the rise of digital publishing, understanding how to market books online and across social media platforms can be a huge asset. 

Taking courses on freelance sites like Coursera or Reedsy are great resources that will expand your knowledge and set you apart from other candidates. Another great resource would be to look into the Denver Publishing Institute.

Gain Experience Through Internships

One of the most effective and successful ways to get into the publishing industry is through internships. Many major publishing houses, like Penguin Random House, HarperCollins, and Simon & Schuster, offer internship programs that would give you hands-on experience in the publishing world.

Internships are great for you to:

  • Learn from Industry Professionals: You will get information and knowledge about how the publishing process works and even job leads.
  • Build Your Network: You will be able to meet professionals and peers who can provide future references, mentorship, and this can also bring job leads.
  • Strengthen Your Resume: Internships are amazing for providing practical experience that will set your resume apart from other candidates. 

Even if you can’t get an internship with a major publisher, (because they are very competitive and hard to get), consider working with a literary agency, a smaller indie press, or even volunteering at a local bookstore to build your experience. 

Build a Portfolio

Creating a portfolio of work that showcases your skills is extremely important when applying for publishing jobs. Whether it’s editing, marketing, or writing, employers will want to see examples of your work. A few different ways to build your portfolio are:

  • Freelance Writing or Editing: Trying to get a freelance writing or editing job to get some portfolio pieces. 
  • Blogging: If you’re interested in marketing or editorial, running a book review blog or writing for websites that discuss publishing will show employers how passionate and knowledgeable you are. 
  • Contribute to Literary Magazines: Submitting short stories, essays, or reviews to literary magazines is another great way to add to your portfolio. 
  • Start a Book-Themed Social Media: TikTok, Instagram, Twitter (X), and even LinkedIn are great places to share your love for books and the publishing industry. 

All of your portfolio pieces can then be organized into a neat personalized website that you include in all of your applications. Sites like Wix, WordPress, and even Canva are great for building portfolios.

Apply for Entry-Level Jobs

Now that you have some experience and a portfolio, you can finally start applying for entry-level positions! Look for roles like editorial assistant, marketing assistant, or publicist at publishing houses, literary agencies, and even online platforms. Many entry-level jobs require between one and four years of experience and demand that you are passionate about books, have strong communication skills, and a willingness to learn. 

You can find job listings for the publishing industry on sites like:

Breaking into the publishing industry requires years of dedication, persistence, and a passion for books. But by understanding the different departments, getting experience through internships, and building a strong portfolio you can make it into the publishing industry! 

Hannah Diffey is a Freelance Writer who is completing her Bachelor of Arts in Professional Writing. Hannah is a passionate storyteller who has grown up reading and writing. When she is not working, Hannah loves to read, go to the gym, watch anime and movies, and play video games. Her and her cat, Oreo, spend most evenings relaxing, reading, and playing games like Legend of Zelda, Elden Ring, and Baldur's Gate. Her favorite books are fantasy and romance books, but she is always looking for more amazing reads!