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Turning Election Stress into Action: Navigating the 2024 Election Journey

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTD chapter.

The 2024 Presidential election is approaching, which means tensions are running high and stress levels are increasing. It’s understandable that many of us are starting to feel the heat. Let’s explore ways to navigate through this election while also learning more about the process.

Navigating election stress

First, let’s acknowledge that election anxiety is a genuine concern. Recognizing this reality is important. Many of us can relate to the stress it brings, keeping us up at night and glued to the news. How can we cope with it effectively?

1. Moderating News Consumption

Staying informed is essential, but excessive political updates can be counterproductive. Establish boundaries by setting specific times to check the news and consider implementing a ‘no news before bedtime’ rule to enhance your rest.

2. Managing Pre-Election Anxiety

Have you ever explored meditation or practiced breathing techniques? These practices are not just for yoga enthusiasts; they’re valuable tools for grounding ourselves and alleviating tension. 

3. Setting Personal Boundaries

Political discussions with loved ones can quickly escalate into heated debates. Establishing ground rules for civility and steering clear of controversial topics can help maintain harmony.

Now, let’s shift our focus from stress to empowerment through political knowledge. You don’t need to be an expert – just grasp the essentials.

Understanding Elections

Have you ever wondered how elections work? Familiarizing yourself with the roles of the government, checks and balances, and the electoral process can provide valuable insights for making informed choices about your representatives.

1. Combating Misinformation

In today’s media landscape, detecting misinformation is an essential skill for responsible voters. By fact-checking and choosing reliable news sources, we can gain a clearer perspective on current events.

2. Engaging in community politics

Redirecting our focus from national issues to local concerns can be rewarding. Engaging in town hall meetings, interacting with community leaders, and engaging in local activities can strengthen our communities and the democratic process. This involvement allows you to be an active participant in local decision-making, which can reduce some of the stress associated with presidential elections. 

Continuous Learning

Remaining curious and well-informed goes beyond just voting. Whether it’s keeping up with the news, attending classes, or engaging in discussions, continuous learning plays a vital role in civic participation. Lets motivate the next generation to engage and make an impact. By supporting movements and actively participating in political processes, we ensure our voices are heard and our beliefs shape political decisions.

Closing Statement

Finally, managing election-related stress isn’t about achieving peace; it’s about actively contributing to a democracy that is knowledgeable, inclusive, and reflects our values.

Here’s to navigating the 2024 election season with resilience, knowledge, and a commitment to positive change. Best of luck!

I'm a senior majoring in political science at the University of Texas at Dallas. I write for the her campus chapter in my school sometimes, and plan their events all the time :)