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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

In college, many of us deal with the ongoing issue of mental health revolving around social and academic pressure. We often experience the pressure to succeed academically and socially at college, while also compromising our mental health. Each person perceives the words “stress” and “pressure” differently, but they’re often defined as the body’s reaction to a challenge, while pressure is the tension felt during a specific time. I asked one of my fellow students, Dee ‘28, about her experience with mental health at college so far regarding academic work and social life: 

  1. What has been your biggest challenge so far, and how have you overcome it?

“I would say getting into a routine. I think I have overcome it by doing it in intervals. For example, I will do my homework for some time, take a break, and repeat. I want balance.” 

  1. How do you handle the academic pressures that come with college life, so far?

“By not comparing myself to other people.”

  1. How do you balance your social life and academic life? 

“I try to get my homework done before I want to go out with my friends. I also understand that it is okay if I don’t have the time to go out. Everyone here supports these decisions, and I never feel left out.” 

Mental health is not just essential for regulating academic pressures, but also for surviving college. It is important to promote a culture of support and create a balanced academic experience. As Dee said, once we find our routines, we can begin to make priorities for ourselves as we get used to college life. 

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Sisi Drohan

Holy Cross '28

Siena (Sisi) Drohan belongs to the class of 2028 at the College of the Holy Cross. Sisi lives in Hingham, Massachusetts, but has spent most of her time living in New Hampshire and Vermont throughout her years of high school. Sisi attended Green Mountain Valley School (GMVS), a ski academy in Vermont, her 8th grade and freshman year of high school. For the rest of high school, she attended Proctor Academy in Andover, New Hampshire, where she continued FIS ski racing, and played lacrosse. During her time at Proctor Academy, she studied abroad in Aix en Provence, France, where she gained knowledge and learned about her love for travel, art, and architecture. At Holy Cross, although her major is undecided at the moment, she is particularly interested in studying architecture and psychology.