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Absorb: Sally Rooney’s Intermezzo Was Obviously Perfect 

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

This week, I absorbed Intermezzo: A Novel by the indescribable Sally Rooney. I purposely didn’t allow myself to be exposed to any chatter that came out over the last three years regarding this book, and I definitely made the right decision!

This deeply emotional 438-page book left me stunned and in tears. The story begins and ends on a public train ride (though they are different trains), and I happened to be on a train when I finished the novel and cried. My experience as a whole remained intact, and I’m positive the other passengers on the train had sympathy. 

This work follows a pair of brothers grieving their father’s death, and navigating unconventional relationships along the way. Even though I didn’t specifically relate to them, I still saw a bit of myself in every character. I’m not entirely sure how that reflects on me, but needless to say, I had an absolutely glorious time indulging in these characters.

Each of them was complex, which is typical for Rooney’s writing. Furthermore, seeing so many modern-day issues — like situationships — being explored through these characters was incredibly satisfying. 

As someone who’s read everything Rooney has published, I was a little bummed that the book wasn’t centered around female characters like her other novels are. I love a story following siblings, don’t get me wrong. However, I found it hard to fully immerse myself in the novel at times because I’ve never experienced what it’s like to be a brother. The female characters were great, but because I was expecting a female main character, I couldn’t help but be slightly disappointed.

On Goodreads, I gave this book a 5/5 star rating, for obvious reasons. Anything Rooney writes will be a five-star read — even her grocery list! 

At this point, I can’t help but hope that she is actively writing her next novel. In that case, I will, again, take the initiative to shield myself from any leaked details about that novel, too. If anyone knows how I could get my hands on an advanced copy, I would forever be indebted!

Thank you for absorbing Sally Rooney novels with me, friends. see you next time!

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Angelina is a sophomore at Boston University studying public relations and business. She is the current columnist for HCBU. She loves to write about reading, travel and lifestyle!