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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

Upon starting college last year, I found myself struggling to study correctly (if there even is such a thing.) More specifically, I found it difficult to motivate myself to study. I could go on and on about the transition from high school to college study habits, but that’s a whole different article. The first—and arguably most important—step to a successful study session is finding the right spot. Many factors go into this decision, and it honestly all depends on your own personal preferences! For me, I tend to study best on my own in a quiet space with minimal distractions. However, I also need somewhere comfy to sit, and having cozy surroundings makes the chore of studying feel a lot less like…well, a chore.

To start off, I have a couple of my own go-to study spots around campus to share, but I also reached out to see where the rest of Pitt’s Her Campus members like to study. So if you’ve been struggling to find that studying sweet spot—and you also have a ton of midterms coming up—keep on reading!

Lawrence hall 2nd floor

I often hear about and see people studying in Posvar Hall. While there certainly are some great spots to study in Posvar, I don’t hear enough people raving about its next-door neighbor, Lawrence Hall. Upon walking into Lawrence from the first-floor entrance, it may appear pretty bare bones. A couple of high-top tables and a few oddly placed couches doesn’t bode well for an enjoyable study session. However, if walk up one flight of stairs, suddenly you are in a whole new world. There’s a large computer lab, if that’s your jam, but my personal favorite is the line of cute little study nooks, complete with decently-sized tables, comfy booth seating, charging stations, and even a television screen you can hook up to your computer if you like. The only problem is that there are very few of these nooks, and they can be hard to come by during prime study hours. If you’re lucky enough to spot an empty one, snatch it up while you can!

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh

Hillman Library is a decent place to study—lots of open space, tables, private rooms and whiteboards certainly make for a well-stocked study spot, but it can get tiring to see the same (slightly depressing) surroundings for hours on end. I love the Carnegie Public Library because it’s lively and colorful, providing pleasant surroundings that keep me cozy while studying. Many students opt to study on the second floor because of the vast seating options, but I prefer the little nooks on the first floor near Yinz Coffee, if you can score one. These spaces have comfy seating as well as a whiteboard you can use to organize your thoughts. Sometimes, I also like to sit at the tables right by the coffee shop and grab a drink or snack while I work. One of our editors Alison also suggests the graphic novel section, mentioning “There’s usually a lot of open seats and it’s super cozy and comfortable! There’s a table but there’s also nice chairs if you want to relax!”

anywhere in schenley plaza

When the weather is nice, I love to study outside. Something about the fresh air and sunlight really fuels me and gets the motivation flowing. The quad is certainly a good option for outdoor studying. But if you’re looking for a quieter spot—or just to switch things up a bit—Schenley Plaza is the perfect spot. Personally, I love the isolated, tree-shaded tables next to the carousel behind the Porch. It’s such a relaxing spot that gets absolutely gorgeous in the fall when the leaves begin to turn. And if you’re in the mood for a more chill study vibe, one thing I love to do is bring my hammock and a couple friends and set up camp by the big trees across the street from Schenley. You may not get a ton of work done, but it will definitely be a good time.

O’Hara student center

My fourth and final personal recommendation is the O’Hara Student Center—the very building where Her Campus holds its weekly meetings. In fact, this is how I first discovered the building, when I arrived early for a meeting one day and took to getting productive while I waited. There is a large lobby area with a decent number of tables and seating areas that just feels homey. My favorite thing about studying here is that there are often very few people around. Sometimes there will be a big meeting or event, but it’s usually pretty quiet, adding to the intimate and relaxing vibe of the space. Another perk is that O’Hara is home to the Pitt Writing Center—which we have a great article about if you’d like to learn more—so when you get stumped writing that research paper, you’ve got someone to help just a few feet away! 

I’m sure there are dozens of other places to study that I have yet to even discover. But for now, those are some of my go-to favorites. Anyway, that’s probably enough of my rambling…here are some study spot suggestions from our other lovely Her Campus writers:

  • “Floors 35 and 36 of Cathy. These are honors college floors so they’re beautiful, have great views and are also almost always dead. There’s one spot literally on the windowsill that is amazing if you can get it.” -Sienna
  • “Alumni Hall is nice and quiet on the 3rd floor. Also Schenley Plaza or outside Posvar if it’s nice out.” -Amanda
  • “Posvar second floor lounges are so comfy and I always feel like I’m in my own area. One downside is it’s hard to get a spot but when you do it’s the best!!!” -Ava
  • “Outside in the quad because I love to get fresh air and people watch.” -Julia

Hopefully at least one or two of these ideas resonated with you, but if not, that’s okay too! Not everyone studies the same way—so you should choose the spot that’s best suited for your own habits. Happy studying and good luck to everyone this midterm season!

Amy Burke

Pitt '27

Amy Burke is a second-year student at the University of Pittsburgh. She likes writing primarily about entertainment, pop culture, music, and life experiences. Amy is planning on majoring in Communication Sciences & Disorders and is pursuing a minor in Linguistics. She hopes to attend graduate school for Speech-Language Pathology. In her free time, Amy loves to hike, cook/bake, sing, and listen to music. She also loves cats, chai lattes, and binging tv shows (oftentimes the same ones over and over again!)