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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Andrews chapter.

Weekends at university can blur into weekdays, no classes, but still filled with the dreaded to-do list which seemingly gets longer each day of the semester. Taking a proper break is important, especially one which benefits both mind and body. As we all know the ‘bubble’ can sometimes feel a little small and overwhelming. Finding activities locally and slightly further afield can be a nice break and a chance to explore the surrounding coastal areas and new activities. Although sometimes it doesn’t feel that way, there is more to Fife than the three main streets of St Andrews. 

This first one might seem obvious. Walk on the beach. But which beach? Luckily you have three to choose from. West Sands provides a large expanse for walking, running or even horse riding if you’re lucky enough to be part of the Polo society. Some coastal air and exercise can often be the perfect way to rewind. Bubble Run Club hosts beach runs twice a week, at a conversational 3k, which provide the perfect opportunity to enjoy exercising by the sea. Make sure to stop by cafe ‘The Dook’ on your way, their Crookies (croissant-cookies) are life changing. Run, don’t walk. 

Cold water swimming has so many physical and mental health benefits. Luckily with a natural ‘pool’ on Castle sands, we are spoiled with places available to take a quick, cold dip. Whilst the weather is still mild, pack a towel and pop from class to the beach. Although bracing at the time, you never regret a sea swim and there’s nothing like it to ward off even the worst hungover mornings. 

Also on the outskirts of town, The Fife Coastal Path, which begins at the end of East Sands beach, is a beautiful walk which can take you all the way to nearby villages Elie and Crail. With some steeper parts, this is the perfect scramble which provides incredible views over the North Sea. If you’re feeling even more active, you can run or cycle this route and even stop for lunch along the way. 

Only 20 minutes away, accessible by bus or car, is the pretty coastal holiday town Elie. Recently, it gained a new attraction which I am extremely excited about. The ‘Elie Seaside Sauna’ is the perfect autumn wellness activity. Situated just metres from the beach and the picturesque harbour, this little trailer is wood fired with glass windows looking out to sea. In true Scandinavian style, during your one hour slot you can go in between the cold sea and sauna as you please, not forgetting your clothes as this is a ‘shared’ experience! Whether booking a seat for a shared sauna, or renting one out privately with a group, this is a refreshing way to unwind and enjoy staring at the North Sea in the warmth and quiet. 

What’s more, in Elie, the chain walk is a fun activity to try with a group of friends. Scramble over the rocks being guided by ‘chains’ and test your climbing skills before having a well earned drink in ‘The Ship Inn,’ and maybe even a swim. Find a friend with a car or take the accessible local bus, which is free with a Young Scot Card, for everyone aged 17-22 in Scotland. 

Close by is the gorgeous little town of Crail, another ideal destination for a weekend day trip. The village is complete with an idyllic tea room with views out to sea and an independent pottery shop which is perfect for picking up handmade gifts or even just a cute Instagram photo. With a little beach and surrounding walks, you really can spend the whole day just wandering around, shopping and enjoying a drink in ‘The Shoregate’. 

Making the most of the coast provides endless activities, all of which are guaranteed to give you the boost that you need to start thinking about those deadlines. Be sure to explore whilst you’re in St Andrews, there’s so much to see and do; maybe even make a bucket list to tick off before you graduate.

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Tilly Frain-Bell

St. Andrews '26

Hi! My name is Tilly and I am a second year student at the University of St Andrews studying French and International relations. During my spare time, I love going to the beach, playing lacrosse and sailing. I am excited to be a part of Her Campus and to expand my experience in the journalistic field.