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How To Keep The Freshman Effect Alive— Even Once Sophomore Year Rolls Around

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Vassar chapter.

After months of flooding our group chat with texts of “i miss you guys!!!” and “i can’t wait to be back!,” my friend group was ecstatic to be reunited after summer break. Following the thrill that came from seeing each other again, we were ready for the excitement to just keep on coming— like it had freshman year. But it didn’t; something had changed. My friends and I wondered: were things really better last year, or were we just experiencing the freshman effect?

When you arrive on your college’s campus for the first time, every experience is new. Everyone is a stranger. You haven’t been in every building, and you don’t know where the paths around them lead. The food at the Deece even seems appetizing. This glittery, joyous frenzy of firsts is called the freshman effect. But after a while, the newness wears off. The strangers morph into friends, exes, and campus characters. The buildings become places for sleeping and playing Wordle during lectures. The food at the Deece is only something to Fizz about, definitely not something to eat. At a school as small as Vassar, it’s especially easy to get used to seeing the same people and living the same routine every day. But, we’re only in college for four years. It’s time to stop comparing the ways things are to the way things were, and instead start living each moment to its fullest potential! So, how do you keep the freshman effect even as a sophomore, junior, and senior?

get out of the vassar bubble

Even though it may not seem like it, new things are still all around! There are many small businesses around Arlington beyond Bagel World and Crafted Kup, and you can put your Arlington Bucks to use. If you have a car, there are tons of places to explore. My friends and I recently visited Cold Spring for some hiking and antique-pursuing, and we would whole-heartedly recommend a visit. And, New York City and all of the adventures it beholds is only a train ride away. There is certainly a hurdle to jump over in terms of finding the motivation to get up and go, but you can’t let that stop you. Your TikTok feed cannot replace all of the memories that your college years have the potential to give you!

Romanticize your life

But what is even more abundant than new things are new ways of looking at things. Vassar’s picturesque campus is the perfect place for romanticizing your life. Listening to the Harry Potter or Gilmore Girls soundtracks, maybe while burning a fall-scented candle or while admiring the Hogwarts-like architecture of our library, is a great way to do something mundane in a fun way through the art of vibe curation. Take more walks around campus, and really soak up your surroundings. Curate a playlist, and see it as the soundtrack to a movie you’re the main character in. Appreciate the changing seasons and all of the kinds of life that this campus holds. Plan your day the night before and wake up earlier, so that the hours don’t slip away from you. Also, don’t feel too much pressure to make every day your best; keep in mind that not everything does have to be fun. It takes discipline to get to the places you want to go!

get creative

Sometimes the best memories are the most unexpected ones. Think of more creative ways to have fun, like dressing up to go out to Olive Garden. Think bounce house, race car driving, aquarium— all things you can experience in Poughkeepsie but might not think of initially. You can also try out new fashion styles to change up your look and mood for the day. And of course, take new classes that allow you to challenge yourself, or think about the world around you in a new way.

practice gratitude

Above all, your mindset around college life is what decides how memorable your experience will be. You worked so hard to receive your Vassar acceptance letter, and much of your freshman experience was likely fueled by a sense of accomplishment. The passing of time doesn’t negate those accomplishments, so don’t lose that pride you feel while walking around campus. If you take a couple seconds a day to recognize the accomplishment that is being here.

Freshman year, we saw each day as a new adventure— I genuinely remember telling my friends that I felt like something new happened to me every day. Letting go of that excitement and falling into routine is the perfect recipe for boredom. College goes by so quickly. While we may sometimes look back on our freshman year selves and cringe, there’s definitely something to be learned from them about living for each and every moment.

Tallulah is a sophomore at Vassar College majoring in political science. She plans to combine her passions for politics and writing and make a career in political journalism. In addition to Her Campus, she pens a column for her hometown newspaper back in California. Tallulah is also a huge fan of songwriting, cheesy romcoms, and grainy Eras Tour livestreams!