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4 Simple Ways I Stay Active as a College Student

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

College can be difficult in so many ways. For me, one of the hardest adjustments was losing the workout and fitness routine I had in high school. I grew up playing sports and, in general, just having a particular planned routine. When I got to college, I had a lot more free time, no coach or team to force me to work out, and full freedom.

This freedom was exciting at first: eating whatever I wanted whenever I wanted, sleeping until noon, and staying up until 2 a.m. After a few weeks of this lifestyle, I started feeling groggy and gross. I missed my old routine and being active; I just didn’t know how to get back into it.

I’m also someone who’s involved in a lot of clubs on campus, and I know how tiring having multiple college classes a day can be. Here are some easy and fun ways I’ve found that make staying active much more attainable in college:

Walking to Class

Stair master level 10 irl😭

♬ original sound – allegra

The first and easiest way I stay fit is by walking to class. I know it might sound silly, but when you think about the size of FSU’s campus, you’re easily getting at least a mile in walking between all your classes. Last year, I fell into a bad habit of driving two blocks to be five minutes closer to my class instead of just walking the whole route. Walking isn’t only great exercise, but with music or your favorite podcast, it can be a good way to de-stress before class.

workout classes

The next way I like to stay fit is through workout classes. I’m a gym hater; I find the gym to be intimidating and scary. Workout classes, on the other hand, are so fun for me. It reminds me of that team aspect of exercise that I missed from high school sports. If you go with your friends, it just feels like you guys are hanging out.

Workout classes don’t have to be expensive, either. The FSU campus recreation center has so many group classes you can go to for free. I’ve been to their cycle and yoga classes, and I can say firsthand that they’re so fun and an amazing workout.

Being Outside

The next way I like to stay active is simply by being outside. Going to study on Landis or sitting by the pool at my apartment are both great ways to refresh the mind and the body. It’s so easy to sit in Strozier for six hours at a time and walk out feeling like a zombie. Why not try to Study outside and get the vitamin D you deserve?

Joining Clubs

The last way might seem a bit bizarre, but I’ve found that a good way to stay fit is by joining clubs. I’m in so many different types of clubs and organizations on campus, and almost all of them will put on events like group yoga or group Pilates. This isn’t just a good way to stay involved with whatever extracurricular activities you’re a part of, but it’s also enjoyable and easy because it’s all already planned for you.

These are just a few of the simple and fun ways I like to stay active as a busy college girl who loves her nap time. If you’re anything like me, maybe you can enjoy these activities, too!

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Sophie Sturiale is a staff writer at the Her Campus at Florida State chapter. She writes a variety of articles but enjoys focusing on local culture, fashion, and lifestyle content. Sophie is a second-year student at Florida State university, majoring in media communication studies with a minor in English. She was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland and enjoys spending her free time traveling, shopping, cooking, and being with her friends.